solutions for e-commerce

14 years of business 2583 reviews 4.9 average rating
Magento 2

Google Customer Reviews

Automatically add the codes to each page of your website in order to display the Google Customer Reviews badge and the Opt-in module in the order confirmation.

5/5 rated
89 Reviews
from €145
User guide

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What is Google Customer Reviews?

Google Customer Reviews is a completely free program from Google that helps to collect reviews and ratings from customers about their experience with a company and its products and services.   

Google Customer Reviews includes many features among which: 

  • Google Customer Reviews opt-in: emails sent to your customers after checkout 
  • Google Customer Reviews badge: badge used to display your rating score 

Thanks to the Google Customers Review badge appearing on Google Ads, Google Shopping results, and on your website, customers looking for a reliable store will be more likely to purchase from your site, as you’ll be directly associated with the Google brand.

By clicking on the badge, customers are redirected to a page, where they can find a breakdown of the star rating as well as all the reviews collected from past customers regarding their experience with your store. 

  • Google Customer Reviews survey: questionnaires and surveys sent to your customers after checkout
  • Seller ratings: your overall score (calculated after collecting reviews from different sources)

Customers reviews are collected by Google from a number of reliable sources that aggregate business reviews. Once collected, they are turned into a rating: a score from 1 to 5 stars (5 being the best score).

This rating will appear on search ads, Google Shopping, and Google Customer Reviews badge (displayed on the seller’s website).

To know more about Google Customer Reviews, click on the link here.

To get set up, you'll need a Google Merchant Center account. 

Create and configure your Google Merchant Account

To create your Google Merchant Account, click here

Once you’ve created your account, you have to configure it: 

  1. Sign in to your account
  2. Select “Merchant Center” programs
  3. Click on “Get Started” on the Google Customer Reviews card, and accept the agreement
  4. Download Google Customer Reviews extension to add both the opt-in and badge integration code to your website

For more information, visit this page

Access metrics in Google Merchant Center

Thanks to Google Customer Reviews you have access to brand new metrics directly from your Google Merchant Center account.

In your Customer Reviews dashboard, are visible all the information collected and processed by Google Customer Reviews program. 

The information is divided into 4 different metrics (see list below)

  • Survey opt-ins received
  • Surveys offered
  • Survey responses received
  • Overall seller rating
  • Number of reviews for overall seller rating

These new metrics give you a quick overview of: 

  • how many of your customers have opt in to receive the survey 
  • how many surveys have been sent
  • how many surveys have been completed by your customers
  • how high your seller rating stands at
  • how many reviews from your customers have been collected

The charts generated by the metrics showcase the evolution in the number of reviews and surveys collected by Google Customer Reviews.

How to use the Google Customer Reviews extension?

Once installed, Google Customer Reviews is easily configurable and can be ready in a few minutes (See FAQ: Extensions installation).

In fact, Google Customer Reviews automatically adds the two codes that have to be implemented in your website pages:

  • Badge code
  • Order confirmation page (opt-in module) 

Configure the Google Customer Reviews extension

To configure your extension go to your Magento admin panel in:
stores configuration Wyomind Google customer reviews

Badge settings

For the Google Customer Reviews badge to be displayed on your website, you'll have to adjust your settings:

  • Display the badge 

    Enable this option to display the badge on your page.
    This can be configured for each store view.

  • Merchant Id
    Type in your Merchant Center ID
    Find your ID in your Google Merchant Center account below your company's name (Merchant ID: your ID) as displayed below:
  • Language
    Select language
  • Badge position
    Select badge position on your website (on the right, or left, user-defined).
    For example on the bottom left: 
  • Badge container style 

    Define CSS rules to apply to the container. 
    For example: 


Orders confirmation page settings

In this tab, you can choose to use the Estimated Delivery Date extension to manage orders estimated delivery dates more specifically. Otherwise, you can define:

  • Estimated delivery date offset
    The days to add to the order date for shipment and delivery.
    By default, these values are on 0.

An email will then be sent to the customers according to these settings.
A pop-up will appear on the order confirmation page, offering your customers to respond to a survey about their shopping experience with your store.

  • Opt-in style
    Here, define the style of the opt-in popup.
  • List products
    You can choose to list the products. For that, map the GTIN to your product identifier. 

Use the testing and debugging tools (for developers only)

The testing and debugging tools will help you to check if the code has been correctly implemented into your website pages.

Test badge code

To test the badge code, you only have to click on Go.

After performing the test, a link will be created, which should redirect you to your website.

A notification will also be displayed saying that the code has been correctly implemented.

Test order confirmation page code

To test the order confirmation page code, fill in an order ID into the Order number field and click on Go.

After performing the test, a link will be created which should redirect you to the order confirmation page.

A notification will also be displayed saying that the code has been correctly implemented.

Become a trusted merchant and attract new customers with Google Customer Reviews!

Collect reviews and ratings from customers about their experience on your store with your products and services.

  • Lifetime license
  • 12 months support & upgrade
  • 60 days money-back guarantee
  • Extensible source code
    Unlimited test domains
  • Free composer access
  • Marketplace approved
Want to know more?


Google badge
Automatically add the Google Customer Reviews badge to your website pages.

Google survey opt-in
Automatically add the survey opt-in in the checkout page.

Configure the extension for each store view.

Define the position of the Google badge on your website.

Testing tools
Check if the code has been correctly implemented into your pages with the testing tools.

Increase your conversion rate

Strengthen your credibility as a business and consequently gain the trust of online shoppers.

Showcase your strengths thanks to transparent and real feedback.

Turn prospects into customers and boost your sales significantly.

Drive more traffic to your store and increase your conversion and click-through rates.

Get more insight into your customer's shopping experience

Collect free and valuable feedback from your customers, and analyze them to get a better overview of the shopping experience you provide.

Then, use negative reviews to your advantage by identifying your weaknesses and improve your reputation and brand image in the long run.

Improve your SEO

Build your online presence through better search rankings as all collected and processed reviews and ratings will appear on Google search results and Google Shopping.

Save time and effort: Enjoy effortless integration and customization

Get rid of the integration process thanks to this quick and easy extension to install and configure.

Freely customize the badge and opt-in features and enjoy free support in case of technical issues.

Freqently Asked Questions
Pre-sales informations

This extension works with Magento Community Edition and also Magento Enterprise Edition. To know if Google Customer Reviews is compatible with your Magento version, please check the Compatibility tab.

Magento offers three variations of its product.

As their names have changed over the past few years, here is a recap:

  • Magento Open Sourcepreviously Magento Community Edition (CE), is a free and non-hosted e-commerce platform.
  • Magento Commerce: previously Magento Enterprise (EE), is the paid version of Magento and offers support services.
  • Magento Commerce Cloud: is the paid version of Magento and offers support and hosting services.


As seen above, only the customer purchase protection and review extensions features have been removed.

Also, the Trusted Stores icon no longer appears in Google shopping results and ads: it has been replaced by the Google Customer Reviews badge (which can also be displayed on the seller's website).

Another significant difference between both programs is that you get a better insight of your customers’ shopping experience with Google Customer Reviews. 

Once your codes are all implemented, you can have a look at the new metrics on your Customer Reviews dashboard (in your Google Merchant Center account).

Below is a list of all available metrics:

  • Survey opt-ins received
  • Surveys offered
  • Survey responses received
  • Overall seller rating

You do need a Google Merchant account to set up and use Google Customer Reviews.

Also, you'll have to enter your Google Merchant ID in the badge settings configuration for the extension to work

To create your Google Merchant account, have a look at our documentation:
How to create and configure my Google Merchant Account

Google Trusted Stores has been replaced by Google Customer Reviews.

See notification from Google below (displayed when logging into the account):

For this reason, Google has migrated all Trusted Stores accounts to their corresponding Merchant Center accounts based on shared claimed domains. 

You had until June 2017 to create a Merchant Center account if you did not have one before, to proceed to the migration of your Trusted Store account. 
If you haven’t, your Trusted Stores data will be lost.

Your badge will be displayed directly after you installed and configured the Google Customer Reviews extension.

However, your seller rating will be set as "not available" on your badge, until you reach a minimum of 100 reviews.

License and domains

A license is valid for an unlimited period of time on one single installation

  • If you're using more than one installation, you will have to buy a separate license for each instance.
  • if you're running several domains on a same installation, you will need only one license for all of them.
Although your license doesn’t have a limited period of validity, your Support & Upgrade period does. By purchasing a module, you’ll be granted a 12-month support period for free. Passed this period, you will have to pay for a new one (see FAQ: Extend your Support period)

You can pre-register your live domain to your license in advance.

Thanks to this option, you'll be able to get the module ready to use on your domain before it goes live.

To pre-register your production domain: 

  1. Go to:
    mY accountLicenses & DOwnloads
  2. Click on the Settings icon next to the module you want your domain to pre-register on.
  3. Click on the link at the bottom of the page saying:
    Do you want to pre-register your domain in order to be ready to go live?
  4. Finally, enter your domain name and click on pre-register now .

Attention, this doesn't mean your license is activated. You'll still have to activate it on your new domain when the module is installed. 

One license is valid for an unlimited period of time on one installation only. However, it is possible to extend or transfer your license in 2 cases: 

  • If you would like to add your testing environments to your license. 
    In that case, it is possible to extend your license to an unlimited number of domains for free.
    For or
  • If you want to transfer your license to another live domain.
    In that case, the Support & Upgrade period for your license must still be active.

To be able to use Google Customer Reviews on both your production and testing environments, follow the instructions below:

  1. Download Google Customer Reviews.
    (see FAQ: Extensions download)
  2. Install Google Customer Reviews on your environment.
    (see FAQ: Modules installation in Magento or in WooCommerce)
  3. Activate the license.
    (see FAQ: Licenses activation in Magento or in WooCommerce)

Also, if you are managing a large amount of domains, please contact us so that we can automatically whitelist these domains.
Modules versioning and download

In order to download Google Customer Reviews, log into your Wyomind account:

    1. Go to:
      my accountLicenses & downloads 
    2. Click on the settings icon next to Google Customer Reviews.

      A new window opens.

    3. Click on the download icon.


Only the latest extension version released within your Support & Upgrade period is available. In order to get the very latest extension version make sure your Support & Upgrade plan is up to date.

When purchasing a module from, you benefit from 12 months of upgrade. Within this period you can at any time download the latest version of the module directly from your account.

To upgrade Google Customer Reviews, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to:
    my accountLicenses & Downloads
  2. Click on the settings icon next to Google Customer Reviews.
  3. Click on the download icon.
  4. Install the new version of Google Customer Reviews in your Magento admin or your WooCommerce back-office.

Modules Installation/Uninstallation

You can install Google Customer Reviews manually.

  1. Download Google Customer Reviews (zip file) on:
    mY ACCOUNTLicenses & Downloads
    Refer to the FAQ: Extensions download
  2. Once Google Customer Reviews is downloaded, open the folder and unzip it.
  3. Copy the content of the unzipped folder and paste all files and directories in your Magento 2 root directory.
  4. In your Command Line Interface, execute:
    bin/magento setup:upgrade 

    If you are using a production mode, execute also:

    bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy  
    bin/magento setup:di:compile  

You can install Google Customer Reviews using Composer software in two cases:

  • if you purchased Google Customer Reviews on Magento Marketplace.
  • if you purchased Google Customer Reviews on AND requested access to our repository:
  1. Add to your composer configuration our repository:
    composer config repositories.wyomind composer 

  2. Execute Composer command:
    composer require wyomind/googlecustomerreviews
  3. Then go in your Command Line Interface and execute:
    bin/magento setup:upgrade ​
  4. If you are using a production mode, also execute:
    bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy  ​
    bin/magento setup:di:compile​

To uninstall Google Customer Reviews, start with disabling the extension running the following command:

bin/magento module:disable Wyomind_GoogleCustomerReviews

Then, you have 2 ways to uninstall the extension depending on how the extension has been previously installed: 

  • Manual installation

    Run the file (you can find it in the extension zip folder) from your Magento root directory:



  • Installation via Composer

    Run the below command line:

    composer remove wyomind/googlecustomerreviews

Once the uninstallation is over, refresh your cache and enable the compiler back again (if you use it). 

You can install Google Customer Reviews via Web Setup Wizard if you purchased it from Magento Marketplace only.

To know how to proceed, all steps are described in the link below:

Next step is to activate your license:
Extension activation

Modules activation

Once Google Customer Reviews is installed, you have to activate the license. For previous versions, you can activate the license from your back-office:

    1. Go to your Magento admin panel. A message pops up at the top of the page.

      If the message doesn't appear then you must check that:

         1. The Adminhtml_Notifications and Wyomind_Core modules are well enabled.
         2. The HTML output of the Adminhtml_Notifications and Wyomind_Core modules are not disabled in:
      storesconfigurationadvanced advanced
         3. The encryption key well exists in app/etc/env.php:
       return array(
       'backend' => array(
       'frontName' => 'admin'
       'crypt' => array(
       'key' => '1e8f3c6772b7a6a6689c3c8cefa4ccf0'
       /* ... */
    2. Copy your activation key in:
      StoresConfigurationWyomind Your extension

      You can find your activation key in 2 different places:
      In the confirmation email that you received after purchasing Google Customer Reviews.
      In your Wyomind account:My account Licenses & downloads
      Select Google Customer Reviews and click on  .

      A new page opens where you'll find your activation key (see below).

    3. In your Magento admin go to:
      StoresConfigurationWyomind Your extension

      Paste the activation key in the Activation Key field and choose between the automatic (yes) or the manual (no) activation method:
      By choosing Yes, the connection to Wyomind license server will be automatic.
      By choosing No, you will have to log on to Wyomind license server yourself.

    4. Click on Save config .
    5. A message appears at the top of your admin panel. Click on that link: 
      Activate it now!
    6. Copy and paste the license code in the License code field from your admin or simply click on Activate now! 

    7. Finally, refresh your cache, log out and log in back straight after, to complete the installation.

When the extension includes other modules, repeat the steps described above for each one, using the corresponding activation keys (each module has its own activation key).

Add another domain to your license

To activate the license on another domain (test, staging...):

  1. Once the extension is installed on the new domain, copy your activation key in:
    StoresConfigurationWyomind Your extension
  2. After having saved the configuration, a notification appears. Click on Add this domain to my license.

  3. A transfer request will then be sent to our team within an hour.
    Once the request is taken care of, you will receive a confirmation email.
    If your transfer request is accepted, you can use Google Customer Reviews on both environments at the same time.

Note that the order in which you activate your license on your domains does not matter. You can start with your staging/dev/local environment or with your live domain, the process will be the same.

Also, if you have loads of staging domains, or if you are an agency managing load of domains for your customers, please contact us so that we can automatically whitelist these domains.

Once Google Customer Reviews is installed, you have to activate the license.

For this, you can use the below command line (change the Activation key with the corresponding value):

bin/magento wyomind:license:activate Wyomind_GoogleCustomerReviews <YOUR_ACTIVATION_KEY>

To retrieve the list of all the available modules as well as the licenses status, please use:

bin/magento wyomind:license:status


 Among the different status, you can find: 

  • registered = your license is registered
  • pending = you need to run the activation command line
  • invalidated = the license has been invalidated due to a wrong activation key or a license infringement


To activate several licenses at the same time, use:

bin/magento wyomind:license:activate \
Wyomind_Extension1,Wyomind_Extension2 \


bin/magento wyomind:license:activate \
Extension1,Extension2 \
Modules use

With Google Customer Reviews you can choose the badge position on your web store.

By default, the badge will float in the bottom right corner of the customer's browser.

You can change it to the bottom left corner or choose a specific position.

For more info, check our user guide:
Badge settings


If neither the badge nor the pop-up window for opt-in module are visible, it means that the extension has not been installed correctly.

To solve this issue, use the testing and debugging tools in the extension settings.

For more information, you can check our user guide:
Testing and debugging tools (for developers only)

If a 404 code is returned when checking the call to the Google library in the developers' tools of your browser, it means that there are one or more of the issues below:

  • the id of the Google Merchant account is not the good one.
    Find your ID in your Google Merchant Center account below your company's name (Merchant ID: your ID) as displayed below:

If you see a message such as "Provide the Google Shopping Item ID in the "google_base_offer_id" field of the Google Certified Shops JavaScript code" on a non-product page or if you have chosen to leave out this field, you may ignore this warning.

Magento 2 Compatibility

Magento 2® Open Source

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Magento 2® Adobe Commerce

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User's reviews
Log into your account to leave your review and get up to 3 months of free Support & Upgrade.

12th February 2025

Mass Order Export - Magento 2 | Essential tool for any Magento store

Effortlessly Manage Your Orders with the Wyomind Mass Order Export Extension for Magento. The Wyomind Mass Order Export extension simplifies order management by exporting data into various formats, customizable profiles, and automatic scheduling—saving time and reducing errors.

2nd November 2022

great extension

The Google Customer Reviews extension works flawlessly and is a great addition to our store. Highly recommend!

Aaron - Merchant - User for more than 4 years |Magento 2

31st December 2020

great extension

This extension is excellent. It has enabled us to showcase our reviews

15th June 2020

Important feedback!

Google Customer Reviews are a vital source of feedback from our customers and the best way to stay informed of what our customers are experiencing on our site. Shoppers definitely rely on what previous buyers have to say about products and services that our company offers. No amount of advertising can purchase the value of positive feedback given by genuine customers. This extension has been used for a long time and has been a real value addition to the site. Customer support is pretty responsive and upgrades are relatively simple to accomplish. Would recommend to other users who also use Google AdWords.

12th May 2020

Easy to use and Integrate

I have been using this extension for 2 years and it is really helpful if you are running google shopping ads. Adding ratings and reviews to your products increase the chance of sell and there this extension helps. But i have some doubts regarding this extension and I am sure that team will help me to resolve.

16th April 2020

Easy to use

This extension works great perfect to collect customer reviews for your store. We've used it for years now . Easy to install and works out of the box. Good support if you have any issues. Upgrading to PHP7.0 we need to update to a newer version and theyve been very helpful. We had a small issue when first installed and they fixed right away. Ive used multiple extensions from Wyomind due to their excellent support. Keep up the good work guys. Thanks

12th October 2019

Easy to install and use

Extension has helped us to move forward quickly and collect valuable reviews. There is no need to implement this on our own. Support answered very quickly to our request. Only thing missing is afaik that it is not possible to hide badge in the shop until enough customer feedbacks are collected. Thanks a lot

23rd May 2019

Easy and helpful

We were using a solution with bizrate. But the whole solution ended up being annoying to customers and bizrate wouldn't let us opt out of the "free incentive" offers, that quite frankly, some of our customers were finding offensive. So we switched to google customer reviews and it's just so much more simple for customers. And I think because of that, the response rate is better then ever.

26th March 2019

easy to use plugin

The installation was easy. We had a small bug: when copying the Google ID we copied a trailing space and pasted it in the backend. Then it did not work and we did not know why. An improvement would be to cut off empty spaces or to make a written hint perhaps. But at the end it works as expected.

hub - User for more than 6 years |Magento 2

16th February 2019

Perfect extension

The Google Customer review module is perfect to collect customer reviews in your Magento shop. It is very easy to install and works out of the box. We had a small problem with Javascript but Pierre fixed that really fast :) That is why i buy at Wyomind Keep up the good work guys. Thanks

28th January 2019

Works Great!

The extension does exactly what it's advertised to we had no issues or compatibility issues highly recommended.

18th January 2019

Great Extension

Support helped to set up. Very good extension! Thanks

9th January 2019

Easy to install and maintain

Installation of the extension was relatively straight forward and worked without any issues with other customizations. Support is responsive and have been helpful in resolving issues. I would recommend this extension to others looking for a product review extension!

Brandon - User for more than 10 years |Magento 1

6th November 2018

Must have extension!

Must have extension for any serious business. Easy to install and great support

31st October 2018

No Fuss Installation

Easy to install and configure on the backend. Quickly and easily start getting reviews for your website!

24th October 2018

super easy

their extensions are all very easy to use and easy to install. been using this extension since it was the trusted stores program.

james - User for more than 10 years |Magento 1

24th September 2018

Profesional Magento extension

We are using Google Customer Reviews extension since 2016 without any issues. Iam pleased to say that this is professionally crafted Magento extension with good support at the right price.

20th September 2018

Great Extensions and Customer Service

These guys are one of the best Magento developers on the market. I've been using their extensions for years and have nothing but greats things to say about them. Clean optimized code, stellar customer service, and very useful extensions. Keep up the great work!

7th September 2018

trusted stores

The old version worked ok, and I'm hoping the new one will too

10th August 2018

Best Extension for Google Reviews

I installed it in few minutes without error.

26th July 2018

A simple way to integrate

Added to our Magento site was up and running in 10 minutes - would recommend

5th July 2018

Works perfect

Using this extension we were able to reach the minimum of 150 reviews in a few months. Our rating has definitely helped increase our revenue, since customers use it as a trust indicator. We're also displaying the badge on our website so they see our rating on every page they visit. I wish we had purchased this a long time ago!

24th June 2018

Good one!

Currently, the module works as it should. I have been using this module for a long time for Magento 1 and now Magento 2 works well. Only concern is the domain license issue. It doesn't emit any error initially when we install this module in local and whole admin stops with error due to not activating the license for it. It should have handled better.

15th May 2018

One of the best exptensions

One of the best extensions we have used, simple and easy.

24th April 2018

Excellent extension and support

I was looking for a Google Trusted Store extension for my client. After evaluating a number of providers, I locked upon Wyomind. It is easy to set up, works out of the box and the debug options are very useful before it can be ported to production. I initially had issues to activate the license but the Support team was quick to resolve it. I would recommend this extension to my other clients.

ozzman - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

11th January 2018

Great Extension and Quick Support

I've been searching for a Google Trust Store extension for sometimes. I am not a developer but I know a little bit of Magento here and there. I came across few developers that offer the same extension. After careful consideration, I decided to go with Wyomind based on their reviews and extensions that they offer. There was a bit of hick-up in the beginning; however, the support was quick and fixed the issue in no time. Thanks for offering such a great extension and professional support.

11th December 2017


Super simple to install and configure. Works well with my sites heavily customised theme and checkout pages. Passes the Google review validation tests right away. Combined with the estimated delivery date module it sends Google accurate lead times before asking customers for feedback.

27th November 2017



Brian - User for more than 10 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

15th November 2017

Great extension to have

We've used this extension for several years and have been very happy with the results. It adds to the customer trust.

John - User for more than 10 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

31st October 2017

Always good software and always good support

Never had an issue with any Wyomind products. We're currently using x3. These are essential modules and they come with top reliability and great support. Would recommend Wyomind to any Magento user. We've been using the Google Reviews widget module for years (since the "trusted stores" days) enables us to take control of this feature - in the simplest way without any fuss. Well done!


19th September 2017

Extension works well

Super easy to install and implement. The extension saves a lot of time. Great Backend Edit. The support from developer works fine and the guys answer fast.

mk - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1

16th September 2017

Great customer service

Very satisfied

15th September 2017

Does the job perfectly

Super simple to install and configure. Works well with my sites heavily customised theme and checkout pages. Passes the Google review validation tests right away. Combined with the estimated delivery date module it sends Google accurate lead times before asking customers for feedback.

15th August 2017

Awesome Extension

Super Easy to use and implement. Support from developer is second to none. We have multiple extensions from Wyomind and all run perfectly on our store straight out of the box. 100% recommended.

Mike - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1

14th August 2017


Great Module for Google Customer Reviews

26th July 2017


Great module for Google Trusted Stores


26th July 2017

A simple extension that just works

Not too much required in way of customisation, and has worked well up until Google decided to change the programme which required me to purchase a new extension upgrade.

Kam - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1

25th July 2017

Easy integration and ready to go

We have used this extension for a few years now and has been trouble free. Very straight-forward install and configuration. We were up and going in no time. Support has been excellent as well, any time we have a question we get answers right away. We use a few different extensions from Wyomind and have never had trouble with any of them. Always quick to update as well to be compliant with any new security patches that are released which make us feel confident that we will not have to worry about breaking our Wyomind extensions during any patching or upgrades.

ryan198 - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1

18th July 2017

Great extension, top notch service

I ordered the Google Shopping Reviews extension and faced a little problem when I was installing it. I contacted the support and they quickly sorted the problem out within a couple of hours of contacting them. You can't really fault this service and I would highly recommend this company to all.

13th July 2017

Great extension

it's easy to use without issue!

13th July 2017

The best google customer reviews extension for magento

It's the best Magento extension for google customer reviews. No hand coding requires. Easy to use.

12th July 2017

Save Time & Easy to Use

This extension makes it so easy to integrate Google Customer Reviews. No need for any custom work. Just download, install & quickly configure.

Isaac - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

12th July 2017

Great Extension!

We tried another extension before WYOMIND's and it did not function for us at all. We gave WYOMIND's Google Customer Reviews extension a shot and it was extremely easy to configure and worked perfectly right out-of-the-box!

LW - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1

11th July 2017

Simple to Install

Simple to install, handles Google Reviews so you don't have to deal with Google. It does everything for you - popup generates automatically.

Grouse Industries, Inc. - User for more than 8 years |Magento 2

10th July 2017

Easy to use - no need to trawl through Googles instructions

Linking your site to Google's tools seam to be getting more and difficult whilst being more and more necessary if you want to keep up with the competition. Using this (and other) packages from Wyomind takes all the hassle out of the equation, for the same price as an hours time of our IT team, it is simply a no-brainer, buy it!

22nd June 2017

Certainly the easiest way to add the Google Customer Reviews to the store!

Quick Installation and setup, no compatibility issues with our current setup.

21st June 2017

The Easiest Way to Add Google Trusted Stores to Magento

We wanted to add Google Trusted Stores support to our website and this was the easiest way for us to do that. The fact this feature isn't built into Magento (or at least wasn't at the time in 1.7 when we needed it), is surprising to me. It couldn't have been easier to set up.

20th June 2017

Fantastic extension. Intuitive, no errors during installation/configuration, does what it says.

What the title says. Gets the job done. Bingo bango!

19th June 2017

Great Company

Always great extensions. This company is very professional when it comes to Magento modules.

C Johnstone

7th June 2017

Keep it simple and awesome

Because implementation of Google customer review (former Google trusted stores) is not as simple as it should be in Magento, we decided to use an extension to do the work. Without screwing it up Wyomind's extension was fast installed and works awesome with Magento

7th June 2017

As advertised

Easy installation and "just works."

Brandon - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1

6th June 2017


Easy to configure and understandable guidelines. Like +1 ;-)

31st May 2017

One of the best extensions we have used

The plug is installed quickly and easily, works and does exactly what it says it would. Not much more you can ask for.

Peter O - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1

28th May 2017

Must have extensions

Wyomind provide all the must have Magento extensions, they're so easy to install and use in no time at all. Would highly recommend them.

22nd May 2017

This plugin was great

Saved us a lot of time getting Google Trusted Stores up and running.

10th May 2017

Works great, easy and effective

Wyomind does it again. Great extension, easy to use and works great. Excellent support too, thanks guys :)

James - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1

9th May 2017

Great mod, and great support

Great mod, and great support

5th May 2017

Does the job, easy to use!

We've used this extension for quite a while now and have been happy with the way it works and the support provided.

4th May 2017

Great extension

This extension does the job it's designed to do perfectly. Installation was simple and configuration was painless. Definitely recommended.

Shaun - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1

3rd May 2017

Fantastic extension and support

Wyomind have always provided excellent support when it comes to their extensions, helping with any questions to do with installation or configuration. Thanks for the support!

Lewis - User for more than 10 years |Magento 1

2nd May 2017

Works very good

We wanted to implement Google Customer Reviews on our Magento Community installation and found this extension.Installation and setup was quick, easy, and seamless. The extension saved hours of development time. We are super happy with this extension.

18th April 2017

Good extension but updates not well communicated

When Google certified store was updated to Google reviews there was no info on what to to do with our extension.

13th April 2017

Works flawlessly

One of the few module that didn't required customization to accommodate our product structure. The debugging tools allowed us to quickly check all was OK, and we obtained the badge with no trouble on the technical side. We recommend!

12th April 2017


Great extension! Works right out of the box. Best customer service in the business.

Rudyc - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1

10th April 2017

Works Great

The trusted store module works great.

Tyler Jensen - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1

9th April 2017


Great extension worked in a charm in M1, now installing for M2

6th April 2017

Brilliant extension

We used this extension to integrate Google reviews with our store. This is by far the best extension of this type. Saving us on time and hassle. We recommend using this extension. The support was also great !

6th April 2017


Purchased this extension together with installation service and we're quite happy with both. Good plugin and good service. Thanks!

Ramon - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1

6th April 2017

Works like a charm

The Google Customer Review extension worked great in my Magento Enterprise 1.14.x multi-site stores. We installed it and easily got it configured. The test mode was helpful during our development process. The extension does exactly what it's advertised to do. Beats coding all this into Magento themes by hand. When I did need help, I got a quick response from support. I'd highly recommend this extension.

Nick - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

5th April 2017

Excellent Module and Support

Been using this module for a while and it's the best Google Reviews module for Magento. Very helpful support from a trusted developer. Upgrading the module and general support lightning fast, support ticket response was in less than 5 minutes - can't get better than that!

5th April 2017


Perfect extension, works great!

Jason - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1

4th April 2017

Great extension!

Installed perfectly and support has been very helpful

30th March 2017

Great Extension

Great Extension, without any problems. Installed and got my trusted store badge on site.


29th March 2017

Must have module!

Easy to install and setup. A must have extension. Highly recommended.

24th March 2017

This is a great extension!

Work perfectly with Google Trusted Stores. A true must-have for any Magento installation. Does exactly what it says it will and with no headaches. Cleanest code I've seen all around.

Dan B. - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

23rd March 2017

Nice extension

All works well in it

24th January 2017

Great value

This extension is a quick and easy way to get google trusted. Signup and install was easy and I'm yet to need any support from the company. I only wish the upgrade period was longer as i missed out by only a few days. The extension saved hours of development time. We are super happy with this extension. I will make contact with Wyomind and ask for extension update.

5th January 2017

Good Module and great customer service

I discovered this module was installed when I toke over from a previous website manager. the team at Wyomind were very helpful and transferred the account to me very fast. their customer service is excellent and speedy. great all around :)

Ali - User for more than 10 years |Magento 1

13th April 2016

Simple, Fast, Works Perfectly

We wanted to implement Google Trusted Stores on our Magento Enterprise installation (v 1.14) and found this extension.
Installation and setup was quick, easy, and seamless. The extension saved hours of development time. We are super happy with this extension.


19th February 2016

works great

this works perfect on my magento install. easy to setup


28th October 2015

Fantastic extension, great support. Thank you Wyomind

This extension does exactly what we want it to do. And when we came across a few things we needed it for, and it didn't do it, Wyomind's support team were fantastic and gave us quick, 100% useful support. They even made code changes to make the extension work for us.
I have no complaints. Thank you Wyomind! A***!


9th October 2015

Fit for purpose.

Works perfectly fine. Had an issue which was resolved by support very promptly. Top notch service.


14th August 2015

Worked Beautifully! Got Approved Today!

Cleanest, most efficient Magento code I've seen. Installed the extension on 7/15/2015 and got the Google Trusted Stores badge displayed on the site on 8/14/2015. Support is phenomenal and lightning fast. Special thanks goes out to Pierre who was patient enough answering all my pre-sales questions. If you are hesitating about buying this extension, don't! It's a must for every single Magento store out there. We use Magento


12th March 2015

Excellent Support!

I had some minor issues with my own website where it was not perfectly integrating with the module. Reached out to support and they helped me solve the issue quickly and effectively! Highly recommended! A++


5th February 2015

Good Module and great company to deal with

This works with the new gts requirements 02/05/15
These guys are great. They respond to support emails almost always within the hour during their business hours. This is the second module I buy from them and so far everything works great and support is always an email away.
Thanks Guys, Cheers!


20th January 2015

Great extension to speed up Google Trusted Stores approval!

Was very happy with the extension - does exactly what you need to in order to start the approval process.
Had a small request (for altering estimated shipping date and the estimated delivery date) and got a very prompt reply from the developer with exact instructions on what to do.


5th January 2015

Just the job

I've used a few other extensions from wyomind in the past and this was another great extension from them. The support was first class as well.


10th December 2014

Google Trusted Stores

This is another very useful extension from Wyomind that integrated seamlessly and functioned as described.
All the required data feeds that Google Trusted Store required (order confirmation and order cancellation) were preconfigured and easy to automate.
Also, the .js code that Google Trusted Store needs added to your template (Google Trusted Stores Badge Code and Order Confirmation Module Code) were also preconfigured and installed automatically without any additional editing needed to be done on our end.
Along with their Data Feed Manager, our team quickly and easily implemented and automated our Google Merchant Shopping Feeds as well.
Lastly, their customer service has been first class with each extension that we have bought from them.


2nd October 2014

Google Trusted Shops

Found this extremely useful in cleanly and simply automating the Google Certified/ trusted Shops implementation.
This extension worked out of the box and was simple to install.
Further - where I did have questions the support received from Wyomind continues to be first class.



  • Replace calls to Zend_JSON to match with latest Magento versions

Initial release for the master version

Initial release for the legacy version


  • Compatibility with Magento v2.4.6 + PHP v8.2


  • Compatibility with Magento v2.4.6 + PHP v8.2
  • Better schema upgrade and data upgrade management


  • Compatibility with PHP 8.1
  • Code quality improved


  • Manage the badge display from the configuration


  • Improved license management system (Clear code)
  • Sample data added for the demo
  • Compatibility fix for Magento 2.3.3


  • Global code clean
Patch v3.3.4.1

  • Sample date available for the demo


  • Better PHP doc

Bug Fix

  • Minor fix on code


  • Hide/show the badge/opt-in based on the storeview
Patch v3.3.1.3

  • Fix for retrieving the configuration for a specific website/storeview

Patch v3.3.1.2

  • Fix for retrieving the configuration for a specific website

Patch v3.3.1.1

  • Minor fix on code


Patch v3.3.0.3

  • Code optimization

Patch v3.3.0.2

  • Code omptimization

Patch v3.3.0.1

  • Code optimization


  • The opt-in window can display on the order success page even if the badge is disabled


  • Magento v2.2.1 compatibilty


  • Estimated Delivery Date can now be used to provide Google with the estimated delivery date in Google Customer Reviews program.

Bug fix :

  • Fix of a php error thrown when placing an order
Patch v3.0.1.3

  • Acl fix


  • The extension is now compatible with the new Google program : Google Customer Reviews

Bug fix :

  • Error in the order confirmation google snippet corrected.


  • Fix compilation issues


  • Google Trusted Stores is compatible with Magento 2.1.0


  • New management of licenses for Magento 2


  • Google Trusted Stores is compatible with Magento 2
Demo store

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