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14 years of business 2580 reviews 4.9 average rating
Magento 2

Multifaceted Autocomplete

Improve your search results with a multi-faceted autocomplete including filterable attributes, products sorting, and many display options available for Magento 2.

5/5 rated
7 Reviews
from €395
User guide

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The Multifaceted Autocomplete is a great tool to enhance your autocomplete box. You can totally customize the look and feel of the autocomplete as you want.

You have the possibility to add all product types, category, and CMS pages in your search results. With the extension, you can add as many layers as you need allowing the visitors of your website to filter products by any attribute (price, color, ratings...). Also, the Did you mean? feature is a good help to provide alternative suggestions when users may have misspelled a search term.

Install the Elasticsearch server

Elasticsearch is a real-time distributed search and analytics engine that allows you to explore your data very quickly. It is used for full-text search, structured search, analytics, and all three in combination.

And it packages up all this functionality into a standalone server that your application can talk to via a simple RESTful API, using a web client from your favorite programming language, or even from the command line.

The Multifaceted Autocomplete extension will allow you to make the link between the search and analytics engine and Magento 2.

You can find more information on the product here:

Install and run Elasticsearch server

As Elastic advises, "the easiest way to understand what Elasticsearch can do for you is to play with it".

To be able to use the Multifaceted Autocomplete extension and reach the server, you first need to have a recent version of Java. You can easily install the latest version of Java from

Then you can install and run the Elasticsearch engine following the below steps.

Install Elasticsearch

You can download the latest version of Elasticsearch from

Run Elasticsearch

To run Elasticsearch, open a console, and run the following command:

cd elasticsearch-<version>

If you’re running Elasticsearch on Windows, simply run:


Test Elasticsearch

You can easily test if the Elasticsearch engine is reached by trying to access http://localhost:9200/?pretty or by opening a new terminal window and running the following:

curl 'http://localhost:9200/?pretty'

You should then get:

You now have an Elasticsearch node up and running.

You can also check the official documentation to install Elasticsearch. 

Use the Multifaceted Autocomplete extension

You can enable the Multifaceted Autocomplete extension in:
StorESWyomind Multifaceted Autocomplete

Once the extension is enabled, you will be able to configure the display settings as you want.

Debug mode

You have the possibility to enable debug mode.

When it is enabled, a toolbox will be displayed on the frontend with the below information:

  • Infinite scroll?: have the products been loaded via the infinite scroll?
  • Cache?: the module offers a cache for the current page. If the request is cached, the server will not be called and the response will be faster
    Yes = the result comes from the cache.
    No = the result doesn't come from the cache.
    The cache is reset when the page is reloaded.
  • Elasticsearch?: it is the contrary of "cache?". Are the results coming from the Elasticsearch server or not?
    Yes = the request has been sent to the ELS server and the results are coming from ELS.
    No = the results were cached.
  • PHP time: it is the execution time of the PHP code (including requests to the ELS server).
  • Request time: it is the total execution time of the Ajax request to retrieve the products (including "PHP Time").
  • Rendering Time: it is the time needed to render the products on the page ("Request Time" not included).
  • Total time: it is the time required for the Ajax request and the rendering of the products.
  • Enable Template Hints: to display the templates used for rendering the page by the module.
  • Show last request data: to show the results of the last query (ESL or cached). It contains an explanation of why and how some products score higher than others.

Update Search Terms

You can update "Search Term" information when a search is performed from the autocomplete form.

You will then find the updated search terms in:
MarketingSEO & SearchSearch Terms

Enable Redirection

You can also enable redirection when only one product is found. 

Then, if only one product is found during the search, the customer will be automatically redirected to the product page when pressing the Enter button.

Configure the autocomplete box

The Multifaceted Autocomplete extension offers many options to configure the display as you want. 

Define the Minimal Query Length to know from how many characters to start the search in the autocomplete and below how many characters the search terms are ignored from:
Stores SettingsConfigurationCatalog Catalog Catalog Search

Define your own labels

With the Multifaceted Autocomplete extension, you can define your own labels for: 

  • Search by 
  • Clear all
    This is the link to remove all applied filters.
  • X products found
    {{nbItems}} can be used to be replaced by the total number of products found. 
    {{nbItems}} products found
  • Your search
  • No more product 

The Multifaceted Autocomplete extension allows you to enhance your autocomplete box with attribute filters.

Add layers in the autocomplete box

For each layer, you can:

  1. Add as many attributes as you want by clicking on the + icon.
  2. Use drag and drop to define the order of each filter.
  3. Choose the filterable attribute.
  4. Define if filters are Closed by default or not.
  5. Show results count for each attribute or not.

  6. Show More/Less option for each attribute.

  7. When the Show More/Less option is enabled, you can configure the number of values to display.
  8. Filter the options (Input filter: not available for categories, price, reviews, swatch).

  9. Delete the attribute from the filters.

Layers Update

You have the possibility to refresh the filters according to those that are already selected.

When that option is enabled, you can define how the unavailable filters are displayed: 

  • Disabled
    The values with no product matching will be displayed but won't be available for selection.
  • Hidden
    The values with no product matching will be hidden.

Price Sliders

If enabled, it displays input boxes below the slider to allow customers to filter products by typing any price value.

Enable breadcrumb

If Breadcrumb is enabled, the path of the filters used to get the current product listing will be displayed in the autocomplete box.

Configure your products listing

For the autocomplete box, the Multifaceted Autocomplete extension allows you to enable each below option separately: 

  • Display an "Add to cart" button
    The product will be added inside the autocomplete using Ajax, without reloading the page.
  • Display configurable attributes
    The customer can choose the configurable options before adding the product to the cart.
  • Display an "Add to wishlist" button:
    Wish List must be enabled in:
    StoresSettingsConfiguration Customers Wish List
  • Display an "Add to compare" button
  • Display an "Email to a friend" button
  • Display ratings


When search terms highlight is enabled, search terms will be highlighted in the search results data.

When enabled, a "back-to-top" link will be added in the autocomplete box when scrolling down.

Grid/List switcher

When the grid/list switcher is enabled, you can choose the default mode:

  • Grid
  • List


You can enable products sorting in the autocomplete box. If enabled, it gives the possibility to sort products depending on the customers' ratings.

Make any search on your website much more relevant, quicker, and user-friendly than the default Magento 2 search tools with the Elasticsearch Suite which includes the Multifaceted Autocomplete and also the Advanced Layered Navigation extensions.

Configure the Elasticsearch Core

You can configure the Elasticsearch Core according to your needs in the Magento configuration from:
StoreSWyomindElasticsearch Core 

Enable the logs / debug

The extension comes with logs in order to help you to check the frontend requests, the indexation, and the Elasticsearch server status. 

Note that the debug mode depends on the IPs authorized in your Magento configuration.

Enable request log

A log file is created for the frontend requests:

Enable indexation log

A log file is created for the reindexation process:

Enable client log

A log file is created for the Elasticsearch client calls:

Enable Elasticsearch Server status log

A log file is created for the Elasticsearch Server status:

Receive a backend notification when the server fails

When the Elasticsearch Server status log is enabled, you can enable and define your own configuration for the backend notification subject and content.

Note that you have the possibility to use variables in the email content:

  • {{store_id}}
    Store ID
  • {{code}}
    Store code
  • {{name}}
    Store name
  • {{server_version}}
    Elasticsearch Server version
  • {{servers}}

Receive a mail notification when the server fails

When the Elasticsearch Server status log is enabled, you can enable and define your own configuration for the email notification.

Note that you have the possibility to use variables in the email content: 

  • {{store_id}}
    Store ID
  • {{message}}
    Returned message
  • {{server_status}}
    Elasticsearch Server status
  • {{server_version}}
    Elasticsearch Server version

Configure the server settings

You can configure the general Elasticsearch settings.

Elasticsearch Server version

Here will be displayed the version of the Elasticsearch server that you have installed.

Note that the version will be updated with the right value after having saved the config a first time or using a command line.


The servers must be written as host:port and separated with a comma.
Follow this pattern for full available parameters.
Check that your servers are correctly configured by clicking on TEST servers.

Verify Host

This is only used for https connection. You can set that option to No if you don't have a valid SSL certificate.

Connect Timeout

Number of seconds after a timeout occurs for every request.
5 seconds

Configure the indexing settings

Index Prefix

This is used to prefix index names in order to avoid potential collisions. 

Index Settings

Having more shards enhances the indexing performance and allows to distribute a big index across machines and having more replicas enhances the search performance and improves the cluster availability.

When clicking on Use system value, the default configuration is reinitiated.

Be careful when modifying this parameter. Write consistency (one, quorum, or all) must be considered in order to avoid timeout write action.
More info here: Index settings properties reference

Analysis Settings

This is where you can define the analysis settings.

When clicking on Use system value, the default configuration is reinitiated.

See more about the Analysis settings.

Safe Reindex

Reindex in a temporary index and switch to it once finished. Especially useful for large product catalogs.

Automatically run indexers if invalidated

In some cases, you might need to reindex indexes automatically as it can take a lot of time. Then you can choose to automatically run indexers via a cron task when they are invalidated.

A notification is displayed in the header of Magento when indexes are invalidated.

If you disable this option, see how to run your indexes manually.

Check the status of the indexes from:SystemWyomind Elasticsearch CoreManage Indexes

Configure the search settings

Query Operator

By default, it is set to AND. You may have fewer results with the AND operator but they’ll be more relevant.
"digital camera" is translated to "digital AND camera" or "digital OR camera"

Enable Product Weight

This enables product weight modifier. It is only available for search results.

When product weight is enabled, you can assign a weight to any product from the backend product page in the Elasticsearch tab. 

Use parent images

By enabling this option, when a product (configurable or bundle) is found from the data of a child product, then the parent product images will be used instead of the child product images.

Return available products first?

Enable this option to return the products available for purchase before the products not available.

Configure the entities settings

You can configure the indexing of the attributes more finely. 

  1. Open each group of attributes using the arrow
  2. Find all the attributes grouped by type. 
  3. When fields are grayed out, it means that the attribute is indexed by default by the module.
    To be able to modify the searchable option, the attribute must be indexable.
  4. For an attribute to be searchable it must be indexed.
    To be able to modify all of the following options, the attribute must be searchable.
  5. You can boost each attribute you are indexing by assigning them a weight from 1 to 10.
    Note that 10 is the highest weight. 
  6. You can start matching results from the first 1 to 5 characters. 
  7. You can start matching results from the last 1 to 5 characters. 
  8. The analyzer defines the way in which the content of the attributes will be analyzed. You have the choice between several analyzers. 
    Note that the automatic mode is suitable in most cases. 
  9. You have the possibility to enable the approximative search for each attribute and choose the fuzzyness level:

    0: the number of possible errors is 0 whatever the size of the search word
    1: the number of possible errors is 1 whatever the size of the search word
    2: the number of possible errors is 2 whatever the size of the search word
    AUTO: generates an edit distance based on the length of the term. Should generally be the preferred value. 

    For the AUTO mode, the length of the words has an impact on the edit distance:
    0..2: must match exactly
    3..5: one edit allowed
    >5: two edits allowed

    Check the Elasticsearch documentation for more info on the fuzzy query mode
The attributes used in the search with Advanced Layered Navigation are automatically added to the Elasticsearch Core index.


You can enable Category Search so that they can be indexed in Elasticsearch.

If you do, you need to select and configure the category attributes that are searchable.
Page Title

Category indexing is only used with Enhanced Autocomplete and Multifaceted Autocomplete.


You can enable the search among your CMS pages to be indexed in Elasticsearch.

You just need to select and configure the searchable attributes. 
Content, Content Heading, Identifier, Title

You also have the possibility to exclude some pages that may not be relevant from the search results. 
404 Not Found, Enable Cookies, Privacy Policy

CMS page indexing is only used with Enhanced Autocomplete and Multifaceted Autocomplete.


When the Product Search is enabled, the products are indexed in Elasticsearch.

You can define the image size in pixels. 

The images will be used in the autocomplete with Enhanced Autocomplete and Multifaceted Autocomplete.

Then, select and configure the attributes that are searchable.
Product Name

Attention, after having selected the attributes, indexes are invalidated. According to your configuration, they will be automatically reindexed by cron task, or you'll have to manually reindex them.

Configure the frontend design

You have the possibility to define your preferences for the colors and the display.

Loader Image

Choose the image you want to display when categories and search pages are loading. It can be:

  • jpg
  • jpeg
  • gif
  • png

Primary color

Used for the main elements.

Secondary color

Generally used for highlighting search terms in the search results.

Background primary color

Generally used as the products listing background.

Background secondary color

Generally used as the secondary entities listing and layers background.

Enable overlay

Dark overlay behind the autocomplete popup.

Available if you have the Multifaceted Autocomplete or the Enhanced Autocomplete extension. 

Enable blur effect

Blurred background behind the autocomplete popup.

Available if you have the Multifaceted Autocomplete or the Enhanced Autocomplete extension. 

Enable transition

Smoothly show/hide the autocomplete popup.

If enabled, you can define the duration of the transition in seconds. 

Available if you have the Multifaceted Autocomplete or the Enhanced Autocomplete extension. 

Developer tools

Test Search

The Test Search is equivalent to the frontend search with debug info. This allows you to control how the search will work with the Elasticsearch Core configuration.

You can access the Test Search page from: 
SystemWyomind Elasticsearch coreTest Search

You can configure:

  • Search term
    Add the term you want to search.
  • Results limit
    Define a limit for the number of results displayed.
  • Storeview
    Choose the store view from where you want to run the search.
  • Customer Group
    Choose the customer group to search from.
    Useful to control the product prices for a specific customer group.

After that, you can click on Search

A grid will display the results for your search. 

When clicking on Show details, you should get more details about the results.

This is particularly useful to know everything that is returned in the search.

The explanation field explains how the score is calculated and why the product appears first in the search results.

Test Analyzers

As our module offers the possibility to create your own analyzers, it is important to be able to test them.

You can access the Test Analyzers page from: 
SystemWyomind Elasticsearch coreTest Analyzers

Add your code in the Custom Analyzers field, select the Built-in Analyzers you want to test, and add a Test phrase

Click on Run Tests

The result of the analyzer will be displayed in the table below. 

Below are some examples:

whitespace: will analyze by separating words with spaces

standard: will separate words with spaces, apostrophes, chevrons ... and remove HTML tags to keep only useful content

Manage the indexes

You have the possibility to get more information and to manage your indexes directly from the table in:
SystemWyomind ELasticsearch CoreManage Indexes

The indexes are automatically updated after the below actions:

  • Add / Edit / Delete a product
    The product is updated at the product index level.
  • Add / Edit / Delete a CMS page
    The CMS page is updated at the CMS index level.
  • Add / Edit / Delete a category
    The category is updated at the category index level.
  • Category products list update
    The category is updated at the category index level and the products previously and currently linked to the category are updated.
  • Review added to a product
    The product rating is updated at the product index level. 


There are 3 types of index:

  • category
  • cms
  • products
The category and cms indexes are also used in the modules of the Elasticsearch Suite.


In the Description column, when clicking on More information, you can see:

  • demo_m2_default_category
    It is the name of the index at the Elasticsearch server level under the below format:
    the prefix + the storeview code + the index type
  • 36 documents
    It means that 36 categories are indexed.
  • 14,77 kB
    It is the size of the index on the disk.
  • View Mapping
    When clicking on View Mapping, a popup should open and display the mapping data. 

Last Update

The last time the index has been run will be recorded in the Last Update column. 

Last action state

The last action state will be recorded in this column. You can also see the number of entities that were indexed by hovering the mouse over the status.

When running an index, a progress bar will display its status and some information about the indexing process.


From the Status column, you can see if the indexes are valid of invalidated. 

According to your configuration, indexes will be automatically reindexed by cron task, or you'll have to manually reindex them.


From the Action column, you can choose to:

  • Flush the index: this will empty, reset the index.
  • Run the index: this will fully reindex the entities.
  • Run via cron: this will trigger the cron task to run the selected index.

Note that you can reindex any of your attributes. See how to make your attribute searchable.

Browse Data

You can easily see what is indexed at the category, CMS pages, and product level in that section:
SystemWyomind ELasticsearch CoreBrowse Data

From the Action column, you have the possibility to:

  • Edit each line
    Redirects you to the category/CMS/product page
  • See the raw data
    Opens a popup that displays the raw data; what is really indexed in Elasticsearch.

Use the Command Line Interface

The extension comes with several command lines you can easily use.

Update Elasticsearch server version

To update the Elasticsearch server version with the right, you can use the below command line:

bin/magento wyomind:elasticsearchcore:update:server:version

Update the configuration file

To update the configuration file which is used on the frontend to avoid loading the full Magento Core, you can use the below command line:

bin/magento wyomind:elasticsearchcore:update:config

Reindex your data

To reindex your data, you can use the below command line:

bin/magento wyomind:elasticsearchcore:indexer:reindex [options]


  • -s storecode or --store storecode
    The code of the store view for which to re-index data.
    Note that this parameter is unique, you can’t add many store codes.

    To reindex all types for the store view which code is “storefr”:

    bin/magento wyomind:elasticsearchcore:indexer:reindex -s storefr


    bin/magento wyomind:elasticsearchcore:indexer:reindex --store storefr
  • -i type or --index type
    A space-separated list of index types: cms, category, and product

    To reindex products only:

    bin/magento wyomind:elasticsearchcore:indexer:reindex -i product


    bin/magento wyomind:elasticsearchcore:indexer:reindex --index product
    You can also reindex your brands when using the Shop by Brand extension. 
  • -p ID or --product ID
    The ID of the product to reindex. 
    Note that this parameter is unique, you can’t add many products.
    To reindex product with ID 2:
    bin/magento wyomind:elasticsearchcore:indexer:reindex -i product -p 2


    bin/magento wyomind:elasticsearchcore:indexer:reindex --index product --product 2


More examples:

To reindex all index types for all store views and products:

bin/magento wyomind:elasticsearchcore:indexer:reindex

To reindex categories for the store view which code is “storefr”:

bin/magento wyomind:elasticsearchcore:indexer:reindex -s storefr -i category

To reindex categories and CMS pages:

bin/magento wyomind:elasticsearchcore:indexer:reindex -i category cms



When running an index, a progress bar will display its status and some information about the indexing process.

Note that this will be logged in Wyomind_ElasticsearchCore_Indexation.log.

Manage your search results

Like the product attributes, you can assign weight to your products directly. 

Give weight to your products

Assign weight to products

To boost your products in the search results, you can give them a weight. For this, go in:

There, edit a product you want to showcase.

In the Wyomind Elasticsearch Core tab, you can define the weight from 1 to 10. 

Note that 10 is the highest weight. The higher the weight, the more the product will appear first in the search results.

This is only possible when the Product weight option is enabled in the Elasticsearch Core configuration. 

Ignore products in the indexation

You have the possibility to ignore products in the indexation process. For this, go in:

There, edit a product you want to showcase.

In the Wyomind Elasticsearch Core tab, you can switch the Ignore the product for indexation option to Yes

When changing this value, a full reindex must be run (manually or using the CLI).

Manage the synonyms in your search results

The extension takes into account the synonyms in the search.

Create groups of synonyms

You can create new groups of synonyms from:
MarketingSeo & SearchSearch Synonyms

For example, if you create the list of synonyms:

This means that when searching for "orange shoes", the extension will search:
orange shoes
orange footwear

If other synonyms are defined such as:

In that case, the extension will search:
red shoes
red footwear
orange shoes
orange footwear
yellow shoes
yellow footwear

All the corresponding products will then be displayed in the same list.

Offer the most advanced autocomplete experience to your customers!

Increase conversion by empowering users to refine their search from the first step.

  • Lifetime license
  • 12 months support & upgrade
  • 60 days money-back guarantee
  • Extensible source code
    Unlimited test domains
  • Free composer access
  • Marketplace approved
Want to know more?

Enriched layered navigation

Show more/less
Give the user the freedom to expand or not the filters.

Results quantity
Show the number of results by attribute.

Filter sorting
Choose how filters are sorted: default position, alphabetically, or number of results.

Swatch/text attributes
Add swatch and test attributes as filters.

Category tree view
Allow filtering by category thanks to the category tree.

Review filter
Add filters by ratings in the autocomplete.

Practical price filter

Effective slider
Allow your customers to drag and drop the cursor on the slider in order to filter price ranges as they need.

Accurate input boxes
Add input boxes below the slider to allow customers to filter products by typing any specific price value.

What’s in the search results?

Convert more visitors into customers by offering instant refinable search results.

Bring your customers to a wider range of products by adding categories in the search.

CMS Pages
Give something extra: provide search results on your CMS pages right into the autocomplete.

Boost the visibility of your products

Control which products are highlighted in the search results by assigning weight to them.

Did you mean?
Don't lose sales just because of a spelling mistake, propose search terms suggestions.

Enhanced autocomplete

Products display
Present your products in a list or in a grid.

Keywords highlight
Emphasize keywords in the search results.

Search results available anywhere
Make search results available from any page of your shop.

Seamless user-interface

Fully customizable Look & Feel
Customize the look and feel from your Magento® back-office.

Extended sorting and ordering
Allow sorting products by relevance, price, ratings, or any sortable attribute.

Additional Buttons
Add "Add to cart/wish-list/compare", "Email to a friend" buttons.

Configurable image
Display the product images that best match the search.

More product details
Display product options: ratings, configurable attributes.

Intuitive breadcrumbs
Create a better UX and improve crawlability using breadcrumbs.

Relevant search results

Search terms synonyms
Take into account synonyms in the search and help customers while shopping on your store.

Enhanced Search Terms
Make your search box more intelligent and enrich your Magento® search terms.

All you need to create a great search

Enjoy advanced configuration possibilities to offer the most suitable experience to users: weight, prefix, suffix, analyzer and fuzziness.

Freqently Asked Questions
Pre-sales informations

This extension works with Magento Community Edition and also Magento Enterprise Edition. To know if Multifaceted Autocomplete is compatible with your Magento version, please check the Compatibility tab.

Magento offers three variations of its product.

As their names have changed over the past few years, here is a recap:

  • Magento Open Sourcepreviously Magento Community Edition (CE), is a free and non-hosted e-commerce platform.
  • Magento Commerce: previously Magento Enterprise (EE), is the paid version of Magento and offers support services.
  • Magento Commerce Cloud: is the paid version of Magento and offers support and hosting services.

Refer to the below table to know which server is compatible with your version of Elasticsearch:



Elasticsearch server

Elasticsearch/elasticsearch library

Elasticsearch v5.0

v2.0 /

v2.1 /


v2.x v2.x
Elasticsearch v5.1.0
Elasticsearch v5.1.4 v2.x / v5.x v5.x
Elasticsearch v5.3
Elasticsearch v5.3.4
Elasticsearch v6.0 v2.x / v5.x / v6.x


Elasticsearch Core v2.0

v2.1 /

v2.2 /

v2.3 /


Elasticsearch Core v3.1

Included in the extension

Elasticsearch Core v4
v2.x / v5.x / v6.x / v7.x
License and domains

A license is valid for an unlimited period of time on one single installation

  • If you're using more than one installation, you will have to buy a separate license for each instance.
  • if you're running several domains on a same installation, you will need only one license for all of them.
Although your license doesn’t have a limited period of validity, your Support & Upgrade period does. By purchasing a module, you’ll be granted a 12-month support period for free. Passed this period, you will have to pay for a new one (see FAQ: Extend your Support period)

You can pre-register your live domain to your license in advance.

Thanks to this option, you'll be able to get the module ready to use on your domain before it goes live.

To pre-register your production domain: 

  1. Go to:
    mY accountLicenses & DOwnloads
  2. Click on the Settings icon next to the module you want your domain to pre-register on.
  3. Click on the link at the bottom of the page saying:
    Do you want to pre-register your domain in order to be ready to go live?
  4. Finally, enter your domain name and click on pre-register now .

Attention, this doesn't mean your license is activated. You'll still have to activate it on your new domain when the module is installed. 

One license is valid for an unlimited period of time on one installation only. However, it is possible to extend or transfer your license in 2 cases: 

  • If you would like to add your testing environments to your license. 
    In that case, it is possible to extend your license to an unlimited number of domains for free.
    For or
  • If you want to transfer your license to another live domain.
    In that case, the Support & Upgrade period for your license must still be active.

To be able to use Multifaceted Autocomplete on both your production and testing environments, follow the instructions below:

  1. Download Multifaceted Autocomplete.
    (see FAQ: Extensions download)
  2. Install Multifaceted Autocomplete on your environment.
    (see FAQ: Modules installation in Magento or in WooCommerce)
  3. Activate the license.
    (see FAQ: Licenses activation in Magento or in WooCommerce)

Also, if you are managing a large amount of domains, please contact us so that we can automatically whitelist these domains.
Modules versioning and download

In order to download Multifaceted Autocomplete, log into your Wyomind account:

    1. Go to:
      my accountLicenses & downloads 
    2. Click on the settings icon next to Multifaceted Autocomplete.

      A new window opens.

    3. Click on the download icon.


Only the latest extension version released within your Support & Upgrade period is available. In order to get the very latest extension version make sure your Support & Upgrade plan is up to date.

When purchasing a module from, you benefit from 12 months of upgrade. Within this period you can at any time download the latest version of the module directly from your account.

To upgrade Multifaceted Autocomplete, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to:
    my accountLicenses & Downloads
  2. Click on the settings icon next to Multifaceted Autocomplete.
  3. Click on the download icon.
  4. Install the new version of Multifaceted Autocomplete in your Magento admin or your WooCommerce back-office.

Prerequisites, Installation, Activation

To use Multifaceted Autocomplete, you first need to have a recent version of Java installed and the Elasticsearch server running.

  1. Download the latest version of Elasticsearch from:
  2. Install it following:

To install Multifaceted Autocomplete, copy the content of the unzipped folder and paste all files and directories in your Magento 2 root directory.

To install guzzlehttp libraries, run the following commands:

$ composer require guzzlehttp/guzzle
$ composer require guzzlehttp/ring
If the server is Nginx, replace the first line by the second in the Nginx configuration file:
location ~ (index|get|static|report|404|503)\.php${
location ~ (index|get|static|report|404|503|elastic)\.php${

Add the repository to your composer configuration with the below command:

composer config repositories.wyomind composer

Run the composer installer:

composer require wyomind/elasticsearchmultifacetedautocomplete

If the server is Nginx, replace the first line by the second in the Nginx configuration file:
location ~ (index|get|static|report|404|503)\.php${  
location ~ (index|get|static|report|404|503|elastic)\.php${

In your Command Line Interface, execute:

bin/magento setup:upgrade --keep-generated

If you are using a production mode, also execute:

bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
bin/magento setup:di:compile

In your Command Line Interface, execute:

bin/magento wyomind:license:activate \
Wyomind_ElasticsearchMultifacetedAutocomplete,Wyomind_ElasticsearchCore \


bin/magento wyomind:license:activate \
ElasticsearchMultifacetedAutocomplete,ElasticsearchCore \

As the Wyomind extensions regularly check if the Elasticsearch server is available, in your Magento 2 installation, you must have a scheduled task up and running from the server side targeting the cron.php file.

For more information on the configuration of cron tasks in Magento 2, you can check their documentation.


With Magento Cloud, the elastic.php cannot be copied to your website root and pub directories because the user does not have the necessary permissions to create these files.

To allow the file to be deployed, you must perform a setup: upgrade locally and manually add the elastic.php and pub/elastic.php files to the repository.

If the elastic.php call throws a 404 error, check that the file exists in the website root directory as well as in the pub directory.

If it is not the case, copy and paste the file from app/code/Wyomind/ElasticsearchCore/ and app/code/Wyomind/ElasticsearchCore/pub.

If you're getting the below error:
script_score: the script could not be loaded

You need to edit the Elasticsearch server configuration elasticsearch.yml file such as below: on
script.allowed_types: inline
script.allowed_contexts: search, update​

When using Multifaceted Autocomplete with the UltimateSEO module from Mageplaza, this could cause an error 500.

For that, uncomment the below line from the elastic.php file available in Magento root directory: 

Magento 2 Compatibility

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Magento 2® Adobe Commerce

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User's reviews
Log into your account to leave your review and get up to 3 months of free Support & Upgrade.

10th August 2022

User friendly and accurate

One of the best search engines which enriches users' experience and enable them to find what they need in easy way. Search popup have sorting and filter functionalities which help to get exactly what you want. Our recommendation!

10th July 2021


This is the best Elasticsearch module for Magento2 - bar none. It is so quick and east to use. Very similar to some search platforms who charge merchants monthly fees for such good search, yet this only costs the 1 time license fee. Highly recommended

Tomdo - Ecommerce Agency - User for more than 3 years |Magento 2

19th November 2020

Très bonne extension pour optmiser les recherches

Une extension vraiment bien pensée pour offrir un système de recherche complet et performant à vos clients optimisant ainsi vos ventes. Les nombreuses possibilités de filtre sur les attributs et les catégories permettent d’accéder au produits recherchés dans les meilleures conditions. Une extension indispensable pour tous les sites e-commerce sérieux qui veulent offrir une expérience de navigation fluide à leur clients.

16th November 2020

Wyomind Elasticsearch Autocomplete

Wyomind Elasticsearch Multifaceted A is complete suite of Elasticsearch extensions, Recommend Elasticsearch Multifaceted to anyone looking to imporve their magento 2 store search, Wyomind Elasticsearch is the good option to have.

3rd November 2020

Wyomind Elasticsearch Autocomplete

Wyomind Elasticsearch Autocomplete is a must-have for any and all ecommerce merchants with elaborate (or simple) product catalogs. This extension is easy-to-implement and has a responsive support team behind it. I would recommend Elasticsearch to anyone looking to optimize their on-site search functions/capabilities. The feature that is most helpful is the product sorting (best sellers, price, etc.). Elasticsearch is the best option out there.

16th March 2019

OMG this is an amazing extension

This elasticsearch ext is just amazing. Everything you want and things you couldn't even think of all in one place. and the support is freaking AMAZING and FAST. TOP NOTCH ext and company. love it all.

13th February 2019

The best autocomplete for the shop search I've ever seen!

This extension is well thought and does its job instantly - so the search of the shop is very very fast. Also the support. I really can tell that the support of wyomind is very fast and professional. The problems have been solved and even some extra wishes on customizations were done instantly without any additional charge. I can really recommend the company wyomind, their support team and of course this great extension! This is really the best autocomplete for the shop search I've ever seen!


Bug fix

  • Categories can now be displayed in the autocomplete results

Initial release for the master version

Initial release for the legacy version

Bug fix

  • Fix for the swatch and text dropdown attribute. They display now correctly in the autocomplete.


  • "Review" is now translatable in the i18n language files


  • Ability to order filter sections


  • Compatibility with Magento v2.4.6 + PHP v8.2


  • Compatibility with Magento 2.4.4
  • The search is not launched when the ENTER key is pressed if the search field does not contain the minimum number of chars required
  • Compatibility with Search By Attribute (coming soon module)
  • Recovery of all the elements of the search form in the request to elastic.php
  • Support for non-native entities indexed in the ELS Core


  • Improvement of the schedule update system: the entities to be indexed are put on hold if the stock and price indexers do not have an update date more recent than the entity update date
  • Update on schedule for indexes
  • Management of entities to be reindexed using database triggers and cron job
  • Fix for displaying products that do not have an earliest_end_date (end date for catalog price rules)
  • Fix when clicking on the filters

New Features

  • Option to choose the default mode for the product display: grid or list
  • New option to display or not the grid/list mode switcher for the product display


  • Better support for Shop By Brand
  • Backup for recovering attributes used in Advanced Layered Navigation and Multifaceted Autocomplete for indexing
  • Notification showing which modules are using the attributes in the indexable/searchable attribute grid

Bug Fix

  • Fix for the use of min query length
  • Fix for the message display in the autocomplete when adding a product to the cart
  • Fix for the message confirming a product has been added to cart which is no longer displayed in Magento 2.4
  • Fix for the price display


  • Better support for iOS on iPhone
  • Fix for Magento 2.1 and 2.2


  • New option to redirect the customer to the product page if there is only one product in the results from the autocomplete


  • Date formats Y-m-d and Y-m-d H:i:s are taken into account to detect catalog price rules in the autocomplete


  • Better calculation of the prices of the configurable products from children prices for the display in the autocomplete
  • Fix for the Add to cart and Add to wishlist buttons


  • Better interoperability between Elasticsearch Multifaceted Autocomplete and Elasticsearch Layered Navigation for the instant search
  • Minor fix for the Magento marketplace


  • Use of the Magento configuration to know from how many characters to start the search in the autocomplete and below how many characters the search terms are ignored
  • New option to display available products first


  • Dynamic price modification according to the selected configurable options
  • Automatic selection of the configurable products options based on the selected filters
  • Indexing of the children price in the configurable product
  • Indexing of the children availability in the configurable product
  • Interpretation of the selected filters to display the best image for configurable products
  • Improved indexing time for configurable products

Bug Fix

  • JS fix for the products section of the autocomplete
  • Scenario updated for the demo


  • Addition of the "explain" option in debug mode


  • Use of a progress bar for displaying the indexers status: the progress bar is regularly updated and is available on CLI
  • Products with visibility set on "search" are not displayed on the categories pages
  • Fix for the "Show more" option


  • Sample data improved for the demo


  • If the simple product image is a placehoder, then the configurable product image is retrieved instead


  • No more needs to select MySql as the search engine in the Magento configuration
  • Fix for the display of visual swatch with images
  • Minor CSS fix
  • Fix for Boolean attributes
  • Minor fix on JS
  • Minor fix on JS/CSS


  • Management of boolean attributes: Yes/No
  • Fix for swatch icons display in the filters


  • Compatibility with Elasticsearch Core: better management when filters to apply for the prices don't have min or max markers
  • Minor fix for the design


  • Compatibility added for Codazon themes


  • Enhancement of the color swatch display (for images swatch)

Bug Fix

  • Fix when adding a product to the wishlist from the autocomplete


  • Update of sample data for the demo store


  • Capital letters supported in the filters' input

Bug Fix

  • Fix on the click in the autocomplete


  • Enhancement of the mobile view


  • Management of JQuery libraries calls according to the version of Magento
  • Fix for calls to JQuery lib
  • Fix for the price (tax included) calculation for configurable and grouped products
  • Better JavaScript compatibility with Magento 2.3
  • Fix for show more/less

New Features

  • Possibility to filter the options of filters
  • Show more/less options and configuration of the number of options to display
  • Possibility to define if filters are closed or not by default
  • Possibility to add the terms added in the autocomplete to the Magento search terms
  • Possibility to choose the GIF for the loader

Bug Fix

  • CSS fix for Magento 2.3.3
  • Fix for the autocomplete on the search pages
  • CSS fix for Magento 2.3.3
  • Fix for Ultimo theme
  • Sample data available for the demo
Patch v2.2.1.1

  • Fix for the search form for the Luma theme 

New feature

  • Management of the synonyms


  • Improved CSS in the checkout
  • Better management of results when there's no product but CMS pages and/or categories

Bug Fix

  • Fix on the autocomplete display
Patch v2.2.0.2

  • Fix for the special prices display on iOS

Patch v2.2.0.1

  • form_key is retrieved dynamically for add to compare/cart/wishlist forms


  • Display of the tooltips images in the module configuration
Patch v2.1.4.6

  • CSS fix

Patch v2.1.4.5

  • CSS fix

Patch v2.1.4.4

  • Fix on the filter template for visual swatch

Patch v2.1.4.3

  • Fix for the iPhone/iPad display

Patch v2.1.4.2

  • Fix for iPhone/iPad
  • Minor fix on image layer display
  • Fix on special prices display

Patch v2.1.4.1

  • CSS and JS fix for iPhone and iPad mini


  • Compatibility with Magento 2.3

Bug Fix

  • CSS fix
Patch v2.1.3.1

  • Fix for long urls


  • Better compatibility with Magento 2.1
  • Use of start/end dates to display or not the special prices
Patch v2.1.2.1

  • Escape of some labels


  • Better management for products that have no indexed price (out of stock products)


  • Support of prices per customer group
Patch v2.1.0.2

  • Fix for the management of prices per customer group

Patch v2.1.0.1

  • Fix on a typo


  • Users permissions management

First public release

Patch v2.0.0.2

  • License management via CLI

Patch v2.0.0.1

  • Minor fix 

Demo store

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