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14 years of business 2583 reviews 4.9 average rating
Magento 2

Enhanced Autocomplete

Improve the default Magento search results with Enhanced Autocomplete. Let your visitors enjoy a user-friendly autocomplete and display relevant results on products, CMS pages, categories as well as search suggestions.

4.9/5 rated
209 Reviews
from €245
User guide

Install the Elasticsearch server

Elasticsearch is a real-time distributed search and analytics engine that allows you to explore your data very quickly. It is used for full-text search, structured search, analytics, and all three in combination.

And it packages up all this functionality into a standalone server that your application can talk to via a simple RESTful API, using a web client from your favorite programming language, or even from the command line.

The Enhanced Autocomplete extension will allow you to make the link between the search and analytics engine and Magento 2.

You can find more information on the product here:

Install and run Elasticsearch server

As Elastic advises, "the easiest way to understand what Elasticsearch can do for you is to play with it".

To be able to use the Enhanced Autocomplete extension and reach the server, you first need to have a recent version of Java. You can easily install the latest version of Java from

Then you can install and run the Elasticsearch engine following the below steps.

Install Elasticsearch

You can download the latest version of Elasticsearch from

Run Elasticsearch

To run Elasticsearch, open a console, and run the following command:

cd elasticsearch-<version>

If you’re running Elasticsearch on Windows, simply run:


Test Elasticsearch

You can easily test if the Elasticsearch engine is reached by trying to access http://localhost:9200/?pretty or by opening a new terminal window and running the following:

curl 'http://localhost:9200/?pretty'

You should then get:

You now have an Elasticsearch node up and running.

You can also check the official documentation to install Elasticsearch. 

Use the Enhanced Autocomplete extension

You can enable the Enhanced Autocomplete extension in:
StoreSWyomind Enhanced Autocomplete

Once the extension is enabled, you will be able to configure the display settings as you want.

Debug mode

You have the possibility to enable debug mode.

When it is enabled, a toolbox will be displayed on the frontend with the below information:

  • Infinite scroll?: have the products been loaded via the infinite scroll?
  • Cache?: the module offers a cache for the current page. If the request is cached, the server will not be called and the response will be faster
    Yes = the result comes from the cache.
    No = the result doesn't come from the cache.
    The cache is reset when the page is reloaded.
  • Elasticsearch?: it is the contrary of "cache?". Are the results coming from the Elasticsearch server or not?
    Yes = the request has been sent to the ELS server and the results are coming from ELS.
    No = the results were cached.
  • PHP time: it is the execution time of the PHP code (including requests to the ELS server).
  • Request time: it is the total execution time of the Ajax request to retrieve the products (including "PHP Time").
  • Rendering Time: it is the time needed to render the products on the page ("Request Time" not included).
  • Total time: it is the time required for the Ajax request and the rendering of the products.
  • Enable Template Hints: to display the templates used for rendering the page by the module.
  • Show last request data: to show the results of the last query (ESL or cached). It contains an explanation of why and how some products score higher than others.

Configure the autocomplete box

The Enhanced Autocomplete extension offers many features to configure the display as you want. 

Enable the highlight

With Enhanced Autocomplete, you have the possibility to enable the search terms highlight so that search terms can be underlined in the search results data.

You can enable the "All Results" link in the autocomplete box. This will redirect to the search results page. 

Update Search Terms

You have the possibility to update "Search Term" information when a search is performed from the autocomplete form.

You will then find the updated search terms in:MarketingSEO & Search Search Terms

Define your labels

With the Enhanced Autocomplete extension, you can define your own labels for: 

  • "All Results" link
    {{term}} can be used to be replaced by the search term in the label.
    See all results for <b>{{term}}</b> >>
  • "Did you mean?" section
    Do you mean?
  • "Products" section
  • "No product found"
    No product found
  • "Categories" section
  • "No category found"
    No category found
  • "Pages" section
  • "No page found"
    No page found

Enable the Did you mean feature

The extension comes with the Did you mean feature. This provides alternative suggestions when users may have misspelled a search term.

The Did you mean feature can be enabled in:

  • the autocomplete box
  • the search results page

Also, you can limit the number of suggestions displayed in the autocomplete box.  

Configure the results displayed in the autocomplete box

The Enhanced Autocomplete extension allows you to make the products, the categories, and also the CMS pages searchable in the autocomplete box.

You can define your preferences from:
StoreS Wyomind Enhanced Autocomplete Product/Category/CMS

Define the Minimal Query Length to know from how many characters to start the search in the autocomplete and below how many characters the search terms are ignored from:  Stores SettingsConfigurationCatalog Catalog Catalog Search


You can enable the products in the autocomplete box and limit the number of results displayed.

Below, only products are enabled in the autocomplete box.

You can also enable redirection when only one product is found.

Then, if only one product is found during the search, the customer will be automatically redirected to the product page when pressing the Enter button.


Categories can be displayed in: 

  • the autocomplete box
  • the search results page: displayed in the left column

For each one, you can limit the number of results displayed. 

Also, you have the choice to display or hide that section when there is no category found. 

Below, products and categories are enabled in the autocomplete box. 

CMS page

Your CMS pages can be enabled in: 

  • the autocomplete box
  • the search results page: displayed in the left column

For each one, you can limit the number of results displayed. 

Also, you have the choice to display or hide that section when there is no CMS page found. 

Below, products, categories, and CMS pages are enabled in the autocomplete box. 

Make any search on your website much more relevant, quicker, and user-friendly than the default Magento 2 search tools with the Elasticsearch Suite which includes the Multifaceted Autocomplete  and the Advanced Layered Navigation extensions.

Configure the Elasticsearch Core

You can configure the Elasticsearch Core according to your needs in the Magento configuration from:
StoreSWyomindElasticsearch Core 

Enable the logs / debug

The extension comes with logs in order to help you to check the frontend requests, the indexation, and the Elasticsearch server status. 

Note that the debug mode depends on the IPs authorized in your Magento configuration.

Enable request log

A log file is created for the frontend requests:

Enable indexation log

A log file is created for the reindexation process:

Enable client log

A log file is created for the Elasticsearch client calls:

Enable Elasticsearch Server status log

A log file is created for the Elasticsearch Server status:

Receive a backend notification when the server fails

When the Elasticsearch Server status log is enabled, you can enable and define your own configuration for the backend notification subject and content.

Note that you have the possibility to use variables in the email content:

  • {{store_id}}
    Store ID
  • {{code}}
    Store code
  • {{name}}
    Store name
  • {{server_version}}
    Elasticsearch Server version
  • {{servers}}

Receive a mail notification when the server fails

When the Elasticsearch Server status log is enabled, you can enable and define your own configuration for the email notification.

Note that you have the possibility to use variables in the email content: 

  • {{store_id}}
    Store ID
  • {{message}}
    Returned message
  • {{server_status}}
    Elasticsearch Server status
  • {{server_version}}
    Elasticsearch Server version

Configure the server settings

You can configure the general Elasticsearch settings.

Elasticsearch Server version

Here will be displayed the version of the Elasticsearch server that you have installed.

Note that the version will be updated with the right value after having saved the config a first time or using a command line.


The servers must be written as host:port and separated with a comma.
Follow this pattern for full available parameters.
Check that your servers are correctly configured by clicking on TEST servers.

Verify Host

This is only used for https connection. You can set that option to No if you don't have a valid SSL certificate.

Connect Timeout

Number of seconds after a timeout occurs for every request.
5 seconds

Configure the indexing settings

Index Prefix

This is used to prefix index names in order to avoid potential collisions. 

Index Settings

Having more shards enhances the indexing performance and allows to distribute a big index across machines and having more replicas enhances the search performance and improves the cluster availability.

When clicking on Use system value, the default configuration is reinitiated.

Be careful when modifying this parameter. Write consistency (one, quorum, or all) must be considered in order to avoid timeout write action.
More info here: Index settings properties reference

Analysis Settings

This is where you can define the analysis settings.

When clicking on Use system value, the default configuration is reinitiated.

See more about the Analysis settings.

Safe Reindex

Reindex in a temporary index and switch to it once finished. Especially useful for large product catalogs.

Automatically run indexers if invalidated

In some cases, you might need to reindex indexes automatically as it can take a lot of time. Then you can choose to automatically run indexers via a cron task when they are invalidated.

A notification is displayed in the header of Magento when indexes are invalidated.

If you disable this option, see how to run your indexes manually.

Check the status of the indexes from:SystemWyomind Elasticsearch CoreManage Indexes

Configure the search settings

Query Operator

By default, it is set to AND. You may have fewer results with the AND operator but they’ll be more relevant.
"digital camera" is translated to "digital AND camera" or "digital OR camera"

Enable Product Weight

This enables product weight modifier. It is only available for search results.

When product weight is enabled, you can assign a weight to any product from the backend product page in the Elasticsearch tab. 

Use parent images

By enabling this option, when a product (configurable or bundle) is found from the data of a child product, then the parent product images will be used instead of the child product images.

Return available products first?

Enable this option to return the products available for purchase before the products not available.

Configure the entities settings

You can configure the indexing of the attributes more finely. 

  1. Open each group of attributes using the arrow
  2. Find all the attributes grouped by type. 
  3. When fields are grayed out, it means that the attribute is indexed by default by the module.
    To be able to modify the searchable option, the attribute must be indexable.
  4. For an attribute to be searchable it must be indexed.
    To be able to modify all of the following options, the attribute must be searchable.
  5. You can boost each attribute you are indexing by assigning them a weight from 1 to 10.
    Note that 10 is the highest weight. 
  6. You can start matching results from the first 1 to 5 characters. 
  7. You can start matching results from the last 1 to 5 characters. 
  8. The analyzer defines the way in which the content of the attributes will be analyzed. You have the choice between several analyzers. 
    Note that the automatic mode is suitable in most cases. 
  9. You have the possibility to enable the approximative search for each attribute and choose the fuzzyness level:

    0: the number of possible errors is 0 whatever the size of the search word
    1: the number of possible errors is 1 whatever the size of the search word
    2: the number of possible errors is 2 whatever the size of the search word
    AUTO: generates an edit distance based on the length of the term. Should generally be the preferred value. 

    For the AUTO mode, the length of the words has an impact on the edit distance:
    0..2: must match exactly
    3..5: one edit allowed
    >5: two edits allowed

    Check the Elasticsearch documentation for more info on the fuzzy query mode
The attributes used in the search with Advanced Layered Navigation are automatically added to the Elasticsearch Core index.


You can enable Category Search so that they can be indexed in Elasticsearch.

If you do, you need to select and configure the category attributes that are searchable.
Page Title

Category indexing is only used with Enhanced Autocomplete and Multifaceted Autocomplete.


You can enable the search among your CMS pages to be indexed in Elasticsearch.

You just need to select and configure the searchable attributes. 
Content, Content Heading, Identifier, Title

You also have the possibility to exclude some pages that may not be relevant from the search results. 
404 Not Found, Enable Cookies, Privacy Policy

CMS page indexing is only used with Enhanced Autocomplete and Multifaceted Autocomplete.


When the Product Search is enabled, the products are indexed in Elasticsearch.

You can define the image size in pixels. 

The images will be used in the autocomplete with Enhanced Autocomplete and Multifaceted Autocomplete.

Then, select and configure the attributes that are searchable.
Product Name

Attention, after having selected the attributes, indexes are invalidated. According to your configuration, they will be automatically reindexed by cron task, or you'll have to manually reindex them.

Configure the frontend design

You have the possibility to define your preferences for the colors and the display.

Loader Image

Choose the image you want to display when categories and search pages are loading. It can be:

  • jpg
  • jpeg
  • gif
  • png

Primary color

Used for the main elements.

Secondary color

Generally used for highlighting search terms in the search results.

Background primary color

Generally used as the products listing background.

Background secondary color

Generally used as the secondary entities listing and layers background.

Enable overlay

Dark overlay behind the autocomplete popup.

Available if you have the Multifaceted Autocomplete or the Enhanced Autocomplete extension. 

Enable blur effect

Blurred background behind the autocomplete popup.

Available if you have the Multifaceted Autocomplete or the Enhanced Autocomplete extension. 

Enable transition

Smoothly show/hide the autocomplete popup.

If enabled, you can define the duration of the transition in seconds. 

Available if you have the Multifaceted Autocomplete or the Enhanced Autocomplete extension. 

Developer tools

Test Search

The Test Search is equivalent to the frontend search with debug info. This allows you to control how the search will work with the Elasticsearch Core configuration.

You can access the Test Search page from: 
SystemWyomind Elasticsearch coreTest Search

You can configure:

  • Search term
    Add the term you want to search.
  • Results limit
    Define a limit for the number of results displayed.
  • Storeview
    Choose the store view from where you want to run the search.
  • Customer Group
    Choose the customer group to search from.
    Useful to control the product prices for a specific customer group.

After that, you can click on Search.

A grid will display the results for your search. 

When clicking on Show details, you should get more details about the results.

This is particularly useful to know everything that is returned in the search.

The explanation field explains how the score is calculated and why the product appears first in the search results.

Test Analyzers

As our module offers the possibility to create your own analyzers, it is important to be able to test them.

You can access the Test Analyzers page from: 
SystemWyomind Elasticsearch coreTest Analyzers

Add your code in the Custom Analyzers field, select the Built-in Analyzers you want to test, and add a Test phrase

Click on Run Tests

The result of the analyzer will be displayed in the table below. 

Below are some examples:

whitespace: will analyze by separating words with spaces

standard: will separate words with spaces, apostrophes, chevrons ... and remove HTML tags to keep only useful content

Manage the indexes

You have the possibility to get more information and to manage your indexes directly from the table in:
SystemWyomind ELasticsearch CoreManage Indexes

The indexes are automatically updated after the below actions:

  • Add / Edit / Delete a product
    The product is updated at the product index level.
  • Add / Edit / Delete a CMS page
    The CMS page is updated at the CMS index level.
  • Add / Edit / Delete a category
    The category is updated at the category index level.
  • Category products list update
    The category is updated at the category index level and the products previously and currently linked to the category are updated.
  • Review added to a product
    The product rating is updated at the product index level. 


There are 3 types of index:

  • category
  • cms
  • products
The category and cms indexes are also used in the modules of the Elasticsearch Suite.


In the Description column, when clicking on More information, you can see:

  • demo_m2_default_category
    It is the name of the index at the Elasticsearch server level under the below format:
    the prefix + the storeview code + the index type
  • 36 documents
    It means that 36 categories are indexed.
  • 14,77 kB
    It is the size of the index on the disk.
  • View Mapping
    When clicking on View Mapping, a popup should open and display the mapping data. 

Last Update

The last time the index has been run will be recorded in the Last Update column. 

Last action state

The last action state will be recorded in this column. You can also see the number of entities that were indexed by hovering the mouse over the status.

When running an index, a progress bar will display its status and some information about the indexing process.


From the Status column, you can see if the indexes are valid of invalidated. 

According to your configuration, indexes will be automatically reindexed by cron task, or you'll have to manually reindex them.


From the Action column, you can choose to:

  • Flush the index: this will empty, reset the index.
  • Run the index: this will fully reindex the entities.
  • Run via cron: this will trigger the cron task to run the selected index.

Note that you can reindex any of your attributes. See how to make your attribute searchable.

Browse Data

You can easily see what is indexed at the category, CMS pages, and product level in that section:
SystemWyomind ELasticsearch CoreBrowse Data

From the Action column, you have the possibility to:

  • Edit each line
    Redirects you to the category/CMS/product page
  • See the raw data
    Opens a popup that displays the raw data; what is really indexed in Elasticsearch.

Use the Command Line Interface

The extension comes with several command lines you can easily use.

Update Elasticsearch server version

To update the Elasticsearch server version with the right, you can use the below command line:

bin/magento wyomind:elasticsearchcore:update:server:version​

Update the configuration file

To update the configuration file which is used on the frontend to avoid loading the full Magento Core, you can use the below command line:

bin/magento wyomind:elasticsearchcore:update:config

Reindex your data

To reindex your data, you can use the below command line:

bin/magento wyomind:elasticsearchcore:indexer:reindex [options]


  • -s storecode or --store storecode
    The code of the store view for which to re-index data.
    Note that this parameter is unique, you can’t add many store codes.

    To reindex all types for the store view which code is “storefr”:

    bin/magento wyomind:elasticsearchcore:indexer:reindex -s storefr


    bin/magento wyomind:elasticsearchcore:indexer:reindex --store storefr
  • -i type or --index type
    A space-separated list of index types: cms, category, and product

    To reindex products only:

    bin/magento wyomind:elasticsearchcore:indexer:reindex -i product


    bin/magento wyomind:elasticsearchcore:indexer:reindex --index product
    You can also reindex your brands when using the Shop by Brand extension. 
  • -p ID or --product ID
    The ID of the product to reindex. 
    Note that this parameter is unique, you can’t add many products.
    To reindex product with ID 2:
    bin/magento wyomind:elasticsearchcore:indexer:reindex -i product -p 2


    bin/magento wyomind:elasticsearchcore:indexer:reindex --index product --product 2


More examples:

To reindex all index types for all store views and products:

bin/magento wyomind:elasticsearchcore:indexer:reindex

To reindex categories for the store view which code is “storefr”:

bin/magento wyomind:elasticsearchcore:indexer:reindex -s storefr -i category

To reindex categories and CMS pages:

bin/magento wyomind:elasticsearchcore:indexer:reindex -i category cms



When running an index, a progress bar will display its status and some information about the indexing process.

Note that this will be logged in Wyomind_ElasticsearchCore_Indexation.log.

Manage your search results

Like the product attributes, you can assign weight to your products directly. 

Give weight to your products

Assign weight to products

To boost your products in the search results, you can give them a weight. For this, go in:

There, edit a product you want to showcase.

In the Wyomind Elasticsearch Core tab, you can define the weight from 1 to 10. 

Note that 10 is the highest weight. The higher the weight, the more the product will appear first in the search results.

This is only possible when the Product weight option is enabled in the Elasticsearch Core configuration. 

Ignore products in the indexation

You have the possibility to ignore products in the indexation process. For this, go in:

There, edit a product you want to showcase.

In the Wyomind Elasticsearch Core tab, you can switch the Ignore the product for indexation option to Yes

When changing this value, a full reindex must be run (manually or using the CLI).

Manage the synonyms in your search results

The extension takes into account the synonyms in the search.

Create groups of synonyms

You can create new groups of synonyms from:
MarketingSeo & SearchSearch Synonyms

For example, if you create the list of synonyms:

This means that when searching for "orange shoes", the extension will search:
orange shoes
orange footwear

If other synonyms are defined such as:

In that case, the extension will search:
red shoes
red footwear
orange shoes
orange footwear
yellow shoes
yellow footwear

All the corresponding products will then be displayed in the same list.

Improve your autocomplete with Enhanced Autocomplete!

Let your visitors enjoy a user-friendly autocomplete and display relevant results on products, CMS pages, categories as well as search suggestions.

  • Lifetime license
  • 12 months support & upgrade
  • 60 days money-back guarantee
  • Extensible source code
    Unlimited test domains
  • Free composer access
  • Marketplace approved
Want to know more?

What’s in the search results?

Convert more visitors into customers by offering them search results on all types of products.

Bring your customers to a wider range of products by adding categories in the search.

CMS Pages
Give something extra: provide search results on your CMS pages right into the autocomplete.

Boost the visibility of your products

Did you mean?
Don't lose sales just because of a spelling mistake, propose search terms suggestions.

Control which products are highlighted in the search results by assigning weight to them.

Enhanced autocomplete

Keywords highlight
Emphasize keywords in the search results.

Search results available anywhere
Make search results available from any page of your shop.

Cross-device tool

Fully responsive
Offer an optimized mobile website experience to users with Enhanced Autocomplete. The extension is designed to be responsive on all devices.

Multi-theme skin
The module only requires a few efforts to easily adapt to any Magento® theme.

Define a configuration specific to each one of your store views.

Seamless user-interface

Fully customizable Look & Feel
Customize the look and feel from your Magento® back-office.

Configurable image
Display the product images that best match the search.

Loader GIF
Choose the GIF for the loader in the autocomplete box.

Relevant search results

Search terms synonyms
Take into account synonyms in the search and help customers while shopping on your store.

Enhanced Search Terms
Make your search box more intelligent and enrich your Magento® search terms.

All you need to create a great search

Enjoy advanced configuration possibilities to offer the most suitable experience to users.

Freqently Asked Questions
Pre-sales informations

This extension works with Magento Community Edition and also Magento Enterprise Edition. To know if Enhanced Autocomplete is compatible with your Magento version, please check the Compatibility tab.

Magento offers three variations of its product.

As their names have changed over the past few years, here is a recap:

  • Magento Open Sourcepreviously Magento Community Edition (CE), is a free and non-hosted e-commerce platform.
  • Magento Commerce: previously Magento Enterprise (EE), is the paid version of Magento and offers support services.
  • Magento Commerce Cloud: is the paid version of Magento and offers support and hosting services.

Refer to the below table to know which server is compatible with your version of Elasticsearch:



Elasticsearch server

Elasticsearch/elasticsearch library

Elasticsearch v5.0

v2.0 /

v2.1 /


v2.x v2.x
Elasticsearch v5.1.0
Elasticsearch v5.1.4 v2.x / v5.x v5.x
Elasticsearch v5.3
Elasticsearch v5.3.4
Elasticsearch v6.0 v2.x / v5.x / v6.x


Elasticsearch Core v2.0

v2.1 /

v2.2 /

v2.3 /


Elasticsearch Core v3.1

Included in the extension

Elasticsearch Core v4
v2.x / v5.x / v6.x / v7.x
License and domains

A license is valid for an unlimited period of time on one single installation

  • If you're using more than one installation, you will have to buy a separate license for each instance.
  • if you're running several domains on a same installation, you will need only one license for all of them.
Although your license doesn’t have a limited period of validity, your Support & Upgrade period does. By purchasing a module, you’ll be granted a 12-month support period for free. Passed this period, you will have to pay for a new one (see FAQ: Extend your Support period)

You can pre-register your live domain to your license in advance.

Thanks to this option, you'll be able to get the module ready to use on your domain before it goes live.

To pre-register your production domain: 

  1. Go to:
    mY accountLicenses & DOwnloads
  2. Click on the Settings icon next to the module you want your domain to pre-register on.
  3. Click on the link at the bottom of the page saying:
    Do you want to pre-register your domain in order to be ready to go live?
  4. Finally, enter your domain name and click on pre-register now .

Attention, this doesn't mean your license is activated. You'll still have to activate it on your new domain when the module is installed. 

One license is valid for an unlimited period of time on one installation only. However, it is possible to extend or transfer your license in 2 cases: 

  • If you would like to add your testing environments to your license. 
    In that case, it is possible to extend your license to an unlimited number of domains for free.
    For or
  • If you want to transfer your license to another live domain.
    In that case, the Support & Upgrade period for your license must still be active.

To be able to use Enhanced Autocomplete on both your production and testing environments, follow the instructions below:

  1. Download Enhanced Autocomplete.
    (see FAQ: Extensions download)
  2. Install Enhanced Autocomplete on your environment.
    (see FAQ: Modules installation in Magento or in WooCommerce)
  3. Activate the license.
    (see FAQ: Licenses activation in Magento or in WooCommerce)

Also, if you are managing a large amount of domains, please contact us so that we can automatically whitelist these domains.
Modules versioning and download

In order to download Enhanced Autocomplete, log into your Wyomind account:

    1. Go to:
      my accountLicenses & downloads 
    2. Click on the settings icon next to Enhanced Autocomplete.

      A new window opens.

    3. Click on the download icon.


Only the latest extension version released within your Support & Upgrade period is available. In order to get the very latest extension version make sure your Support & Upgrade plan is up to date.

When purchasing a module from, you benefit from 12 months of upgrade. Within this period you can at any time download the latest version of the module directly from your account.

To upgrade Enhanced Autocomplete, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to:
    my accountLicenses & Downloads
  2. Click on the settings icon next to Enhanced Autocomplete.
  3. Click on the download icon.
  4. Install the new version of Enhanced Autocomplete in your Magento admin or your WooCommerce back-office.

Prerequisites, Installation, Activation

To use Enhanced Autocomplete, you first need to have a recent version of Java installed and the Elasticsearch server running.

  1. Download the latest version of Elasticsearch from:
  2. Install it following:

To install Enhanced Autocomplete, copy the content of the unzipped folder and paste all files and directories in your Magento 2 root directory.

To install guzzlehttp libraries, run the following commands:

$ composer require guzzlehttp/guzzle
$ composer require guzzlehttp/ring
If the server is Nginx, replace the first line by the second in the Nginx configuration file:
location ~ (index|get|static|report|404|503)\.php${
location ~ (index|get|static|report|404|503|elastic)\.php${

Add the repository to your composer configuration with the below command:

composer config repositories.wyomind composer

Run the composer installer:

composer require wyomind/elasticsearchautocomplete

If the server is Nginx, replace the first line by the second in the Nginx configuration file:
location ~ (index|get|static|report|404|503)\.php${  
location ~ (index|get|static|report|404|503|elastic)\.php${

If you have a version of Enhanced Autocomplete lower than v7.0.0, you can follow the below steps to install the extension.

  1. Copy the content of the unzipped folder and paste all files and directories in your Magento 2 root directory.
  2. Execute the below command from your command line interface: 
    composer require elasticsearch/elasticsearch
  3. Then, run:
    bin/magento setup:upgrade --keep-generated​

    If you are using a production mode, also execute:
    bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
    bin/magento setup:di:compile​
  4. You can now run:
    bin/magento wyomind:elasticsearch:update:server:version​


    bin/magento wyomind:elasticsearch:update:config
  5. Finally, copy app/code/Wyomind/Elasticsearch/autocomplete.php in the root directory of Magento and app/code/Wyomind/Elasticsearch/pub/autocomplete.php in the pub directory of Magento.

    You can also use the command lines:
    cp app/code/Wyomind/Elasticsearch/autocomplete.php .
    cp app/code/Wyomind/Elasticsearch/pub/autocomplete.php ./pub/

In your Command Line Interface, execute:

bin/magento setup:upgrade --keep-generated

If you are using a production mode, also execute:

bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
bin/magento setup:di:compile

In your Command Line Interface, execute:

bin/magento wyomind:license:activate \
Wyomind_ElasticsearchAutocomplete,Wyomind_ElasticsearchCore \


bin/magento wyomind:license:activate \
ElasticsearchAutocomplete,ElasticsearchCore \

As the Wyomind extensions regularly check if the Elasticsearch server is available, in your Magento 2 installation, you must have a scheduled task up and running from the server side targeting the cron.php file.

For more information on the configuration of cron tasks in Magento 2, you can check their documentation.

Modules use

If you want to index a specific attribute in the search, you need to make them searchable.

For that, go to:

Click on the attribute you want to index, for example short_description

For the Use in Quick Search option, choose Yes and save the attribute.

Finally, re-index your products.

The Enhanced Autocomplete extension now takes into account the synonyms in the search.

You can create new groups of synonyms in :
MarketingSeo & SearchSearch Synonyms

For example, if you create the list of synonyms:

This means that when searching for "orange shoes", the extension will search:
orange shoes
orange footwear


If other synonyms are defined such as:

In that case, the extension will search:
red shoes
red footwear
orange shoes
orange footwear
yellow shoes
yellow footwear


All the corresponding products will then be displayed in the same list.


With Magento Cloud, the elastic.php cannot be copied to your website root and pub directories because the user does not have the necessary permissions to create these files.

To allow the file to be deployed, you must perform a setup: upgrade locally and manually add the elastic.php and pub/elastic.php files to the repository.

If the elastic.php call throws a 404 error, check that the file exists in the website root directory as well as in the pub directory.

If it is not the case, copy and paste the file from app/code/Wyomind/ElasticsearchCore/ and app/code/Wyomind/ElasticsearchCore/pub.

If you're getting the below error:
script_score: the script could not be loaded

You need to edit the Elasticsearch server configuration elasticsearch.yml file such as below: on
script.allowed_types: inline
script.allowed_contexts: search, update​

When using Enhanced Autocomplete with the UltimateSEO module from Mageplaza, this could cause an error 500.

For that, uncomment the below line from the elastic.php file available in Magento root directory: 

Magento 2 Compatibility

Magento 2® Open Source

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Magento 2® Adobe Commerce

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User's reviews
Log into your account to leave your review and get up to 3 months of free Support & Upgrade.

24th February 2025


Easy to adjust various search detail settings.

25th June 2023

A plus for my website!

Very complete! Easy to configure and with many specificity options. A plus for my website!

3rd May 2023

A great extension, a must-have plugin to optimize and improve the customer's shopping experience.

We have been using this extension for years with great results. Our customers are satisfied with the user experience, and the IT department considers it one of the most complete extensions for Magento 1, now migrated to OpenMage. Undoubtedly, a great purchase.

21st November 2022

Fantastic Plug In - Must Have!

The support we have received from Wyomind since installing this plug in, has been second to none. The team are very responsive & quick to come back to me with any feedback. We have seen huge appreciation & use by our customers on the site.

10th November 2022

The best Extension

The Wyomind Elastic Search module is a fantastic extension with speed and great results.

Nick - Developer - User for more than 7 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

9th September 2022

Super intuitive search function

We have been using Enhanced Autocomplete for several years now. We are really happy with it. Is works very fast in frontend and is easy for our customers to use. There are plenty of opportunities to promote the products you want for a given searchterm. So could recommend this to all magento 2 shops.

15th August 2022

Fantastic Plug In - Does what it says on the tin

The Wyomind Elastic Search module is a fantastic addition to any magento 2 store with speed and great results. We have seen huge appreciation by our customers on the site.

14th July 2022

Very useful and powerful plugin

We use this plugin with several projects in Magento 2 and Magento 1. The website visitor gets a very fast and well structured autocomplete result overview. The search works on products, categories and CMS pages and it has still a very fast indexation, even with several thousands products. Apart from that you can define a configuration specific to each store view. We also appreciate the very fast and professional customer support.

1st July 2022

Good extension

Easy to use and search speed is so fast

1st June 2022


Very easy to use. This plugin has improve our conversion rate by 4%. The code is clean and the support is great. I would strongly recommend this plugin

8th December 2021

Great extension with fast search!

The Wyomind Elastic Search module was a great addition with speed and good results. Appreciated by our customers on the site.

Peter Herman - Ecommerce Agency - User for more than 4 years |Magento 2

30th October 2021

Very good extension

i used magento 1 and also magento 2. Both versions make me feel very satisfied

2nd June 2021

Very simple and easy to use

Great product - this help us to improve our conversion rate by 4%. I would strongly recommend this product for any magento 2 store. The documentation was very helpful and the code is clean. This has made our search box more intelligent which ultimates help the customers while shopping on our store. Enhanced Autocomplete plugin magento 2

20th April 2021

Helpful and efficient team

The support is quick and efficient. Due to the optimization of the search settings, we were able to improve the search ergonomics of the website. The team is also helpful with the subsequent optimization of the search settings.

13th April 2021

This module has made our search functionality exactly as we wanted. Easy to integrate and provide great results.

Using this extension since last year. No major issues. Support is great. Support replies are very fast which I don't see with any other Magento extension provider. Support not only fix bugs and issues related to their extension but also provides an overview to get better results according to our website to improve the user experience. The best thing about support is they are very smart and experienced in their fields.

TB - Developer

31st March 2021

Great module for Magento 2

This module has made our search life so much simpler. Great module to work with. Tks

9th March 2021

great plugin - still need to tweak it abit to match our needs

I love to see how wyomind support clients with customization - its really great to have such an awesome support - top stars!

idrees - Merchant

5th March 2021

Great module

Elastic search has helped our customers a lot to find their products. Wyomind support has been helpful to resolve any issues we have found. We needed to customize the module to support requirements from the customer and support gave good inputs for us.

Peter - Developer

26th February 2021

Great Extension

We have used modules for Magento 1 and Magento 2. The first one was much much better and make search even now better as Magento 2 with new Elastic. Our wishes: decrease time to saving categories and more settings for elastic

17th February 2021

Very nice and Quick Search

This is a must have search for your online M2 store. Very fast and functional search. I highly recomend this extension..

9th January 2021

Must have

The module works perfectly, is better and cheaper than other searchers. I use several times the support and always resolve the problems. The searches have been optimized long after the installation of the module. Customers have told us that it works much better than before that we did not have this module.

7th January 2021

Must have

The searches have been optimized long after the installation of the module. Customers have told us that it works much better than before that we did not have this module.

Juan Noco - Developer

5th January 2021

The fastest search

The modulo works perfectly, is better and cheaper than other searchers. I use several times the support and always resolve the problems.

23rd December 2020

Installed .. Configured.. works

This extension is simple to install and configure and works pretty good. We have used this extension at many shops without any issue yet.

Magentoagentur - Ecommerce Agency

30th October 2020

Very good extension with big potential to improvement

We have used modules for Magento 1 and Magento 2. The first one was much much better and make search even now better as Magento 2 with new Elastic. Our wishes: decrease time to saving categories and more settings for elastic

26th October 2020

it's from the best Solution we have been used

perfect Experience with perfect team support

1st October 2020

Perfect Search Extension

It's a very nice and working extension for Magento 1.

3rd September 2020

Amazing module

This module has made our search life so much simpler. Great module to work with.

25th August 2020

Great plug in that has improved CR

Simple to configure and easy to tweak to get the best search results for customers.

13th August 2020

Realy Fast Search

I used the module both for magento1 and magento2. For the magento1 version i think it was the best module. We did not have any issues or confilcts (only some minor conflicts with theme overrides). It worked ok with amasty layered navigation and in general it was perfect. On magento2 things were not that pretty. We had problems both with elastic search engine compatibility but the most important problem we had is that it is not compatible with amasty seo layered navigation for M2.

3rd August 2020

Great Extension

We have recently purchased this product due to it's flexibility giving us a powerful search tool than we had on our magento 1 website. We have been impressed with the customisation the extension offers and look forward to fine tuning it to our needs. I'm sure we will recommend this extension to our partners.

17th July 2020

Great module for Magento 2

Extension works great, thanks! Full configurable and stable.

24th June 2020

It has increased our sales and made customer experience better

Installation of the module is simple thanks to the great user guide. Support has always been fast and very helpful

Viktor D. - Developer

21st June 2020

Great search engine

Previously I struggled for optimizing search engine for my store. Since I bought and used ElasticSearch, I am very satisfied with its search speed, my customers have responded well to this. When implementing the module, there were a few errors, but most of the support team solved the crucial problem. Good module, 6 months free support period is long enough to optimize the application. Thanks for everything.

18th June 2020

best module elastic

module elastic is top

4th June 2020

Great plugin

Used the extension for a magento site with great results

Alex - Merchant

24th March 2020

Great plugin, really enhanced my website user experience

The Elasticsearch Autocomplete module is great. It works seamlessly with Elastic Search and offers a really great addition to my website. Without a doubt this has contributed to a better UX and increased sales. I love the way it shows results from both products and pages and having the ability to gives specific products 'weight' in the search makes it super customisable. I would definitely recommend this to anyone.

12th March 2020

Very fast and comfortable extension

We have been using it on our Magento 2 shop for last 2 years and its been improved a lot. Its improve the overall site speed of our page by dynamically loading the category since we have about 300 categories. Also its easy to set up and configurable! Thanks a lot!

22nd January 2020

Realy good extension and good support.

Thanks for the extension.

20th January 2020

Excellent extension

Saved a lot of time. Just install and start. Easy to use.


16th January 2020

A good solotion for fast searches

elasticsearch is a nice fast addition to any webshop. This module has enough options to set properly. In addition, there are also sufficiently advanced options to adjust the search options on your site in detail.


26th November 2019

Good extension that looks clean for UX on site

Easy to configure plug in with good features. Customers enjoy using this search feature and also gives access to our helpful content pages in one place. Our search speed has also improved massively which is great. The layout is tidy and simple to use.

12th November 2019

A very good and excellent faster solution for searching.

Really useful.I have done customization for module and with the help of extension provider I was able to resolve issue. Perform better than standard search and so it is a must-have extension. Elasticsearch® Autocomplete is an absolute must have for any store with an extensive product range. We have over 10,000 skus and the search results are fast and relevant. The installation was easy with no conflicts. The settings are easy to understand and configure.

4th November 2019

Very fast response with desired result

search autocomplete is very fast, our customers can find the product easily form search. Installation is very easy and can fully maintain from admin. support multi-stores with different languages. support team is very fast to reply and guide. Highly recommended!

21st October 2019

Great Extension to let user search inside big catalogs!

Installation is simple, the extension is really stable. We use it with "Cloud Elasticsearch" and it works really well. Perfom better than standard search and so it is a must-have extension. About "customizations" i can say that is really simple to personalize the "frontend" (the autocomplete lists).

1st October 2019

Awesome Extension and Support

The Elastic Search is a MUST. Thank you Paul for all the help and support to get it working on our site!!!


5th September 2019

A must have extension

Must have extension, improves the search,the autocomplete and the performance. Really useful.I have done customization for module and with the help of extension provider I was able to resolve issue.The support of team is very responsive and helpful.

5th August 2019

Good module!

The search input is a big step on a big website with lots of products. The Elasticsearch makes easy to find them.


1st August 2019

Best search ever!

Adding ElasticSearch to our webshop made our search so much better! Thank you for that! We had a few issues with the setup. The Wyomind support helped us a lot. When we need more Magento 2 modules, we will search on the Wyomind website first.


31st July 2019

Great module !

This a realy great module, a game changer !


31st July 2019

Great module for integrating Elasticsearch with Magento 2

We have been using Wyomind's modules for years, especially Elasticsearch and Simple Google Shopping. They're very quick to help you with any issues and their prices are reasonable. Would recommend them to any Magento 2 site.

Zaq - Developer - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

30th July 2019

Must have search extension!

aeroflowperformanceElasticsearch® Autocomplete is an absolute must have for any store with an extensive product range. We have over 10,000 skus and the search results are fast and relevant. The installation was easy with no conflicts. The settings are easy to understand and configure. And the support team are very quick to answer and questions you may have.

29th July 2019

Great plugin for any Ecommerce site developed in Magento

A very useful plugin to be used in Magento. Our customers love the autocomplete function and we have had a great CTR performance on it. Thank you for all the support.


26th July 2019

The ease of use and setup is marvellous and any questions or issues are promptly answered by Wyomind's amazing support team.

We have been using the Elasticsearch® Autocomplete extension from Wyomind since launching our site and we have to say it's greatly improved our search capabilities. Customers are now able to find exactly the products they are interested in, both quickly and efficiently. The ease of use and setup is marvellous and any questions or issues are promptly answered by Wyomind's amazing support team.

Phil - Merchant

18th July 2019

Does exactly what it says

This extension works great! It does exactly what it advertises. The autocomplete makes things super simple for our customers and I love that we can prioritize fields by weight.

Galen - Merchant

11th July 2019

Very effective auto complete solution

We have been using Elasticsearch Autocomplete for some time now on our website and we find it responsive and generates good auto complete suggestions. The extension was easy to install, reliable and has caused no conflicts. We have found Wyomind's support to be quick and very helpful on this and other extensions we have purchased.

9th July 2019

Great extension! great for sales

this extension works great, and is great for sales!

2nd July 2019

The best solution for our stores

Work very fast and it is compatible with many theme. You do not need to modify anything in CSS styles. I recommend highly. It works very well. 5/5


14th June 2019

Our go to Elastic Search extension

We use the Bubble Elastic Search and Bubblelayer in many of our shops. Works like a charm, basic and reliable.

23rd May 2019

Lots of features and amazing support

A fully developed implementation of Elastic Search for Magento. I had an issue getting the extension communicating with Elastic Search on install and support was excellent. Highly recommended!


14th May 2019

The Best solution for stores

This extension work really good. It works quickly and very smoothly. Compliant with ultimo template for Magento 1.9. Installation without problems and simple configuration. RECOMMEND! 10/10!


8th May 2019

Provides brilliant advanced search functionality to Magento 2

This extension does wonders in improving the functionality of searching on Magento 2 websites. We have over 2,000 products with complex search terms and ElasticSearch does a great job at picking all these up. Makes it so much easier for our customers to find products.

27th March 2019

Best search extension for magento

Standard Magento search engine isn't good. extension from wyomind boost my magento store to next level. Search results right now are very exact. This is for sure best extension for search for magento stores.

22nd March 2019

Great extension

Really great extension, it works out of the box!!! I use it on many websites.

Enrico - Developer

15th March 2019

The most useful extensions with the best support in the business

We have so many choices for Partners on Magento, but Wyomind always produces top quality extensions that are backed by some of the best customer support in the industry!

JCoop - Ecommerce Agency

6th March 2019

Great Addition to the Website

I bought this extension on strong recommendation. Once installed (which was a fairly straight forward process) the elastic search worked without a glitch. This extension is easy to use but with the benefit of it being highly flexible with many of the options being tailorable to your specific needs. Highly Recommended!

18th February 2019

Great Support and extension

We have been using the extension for few years now and it works great. It is fast with good results. Support from Paul is excellent, quick and always to the point. Highly recommended.


9th February 2019

Very usefull

The basic Magento search gives poor results, with that extension, we got good results, the support team is pretty good. It's easy to customize the frontend to have a great mini-search. The search result page is less useful that preview now.

24th January 2019

Great Search Extension

We've found the Elasticsearch Autocomplete search extension for Magento to be an effective, feature rich search solution for our website which is great value for money. Setup was easy and we have found that our conversion rate and customer satisfaction has improved

23rd January 2019

Fantastic results

It's one of the best extensions out there. Works right away out of the box. Easy to configure, accurate and it's fast! We didn't have any problems with our large catalogue of products. At the end of the day you want to deliver the best experience to your customers and Elasticsearch delivers.

18th January 2019

Excellent extension with great support

We use the extension on our Magento 2.2.x website and it's really versatily and easy to use. It's footprint is quite small, it doesn't use many resources. Our customers always seem to find whatever they're looking for and our team as well as they can just easily search via the barcodes or SKUs. Support from Wyomind is superb, they always quick to reply and sort otu any issues we ever run into. I can't recommend this enough, it's a must have extension for any Magento store.

17th January 2019

Very good search extension

We often used the elastic search extension for our Magento 1 customers and now we also used it for Magento 2. It works very great and is fast. The Support from Wyomind is always helpful and we used it a few times already.

16th January 2019

nap muc may in

works very well

30th November 2018

Great Extension With Great Support 5 STAR Product

We choose Elasticsearch extension for your our Magento2 Store and its working perfect as well as I take much support from them and getting best and fast solution and response from them. Developers are always ready to help in case of any problems so I will definitely recommend this extension for your store.

15th November 2018

Excellent extension, works smoothly

full configurable and stable.

Filipe Dietrich

13th November 2018

Works great

extension works great, thanks! Setup is little bit complicated for us but extension is works very well. If you not happy with default search action on magento like us, you need this one!

8th November 2018

Working great

This extension is working great ! The support answer very fast with right answer. I recommand it !

7th November 2018

Great functionality and easy to install

Installing the extension was so easy and fast that we can only recommend it to anyone interested in a better search form than the one included in Magento. All functionalities work out of the box and is easy to integrate with Porto theme.

5th November 2018

Fantastic magento module

great module for indexing and fast search between 60k products! I tested some cheaper alternatives but without success...


22nd October 2018

High quality search extension

This module is easy to install and configure and it deliver fast search results. Developers are always ready to help in case of some problems

11th October 2018

Overall great experience

The functionality available is above expectations and the support is always great when you contact them, friendly and fast compared to other developers I have come across.


10th October 2018

It Simply Works

After installing the module, low and behold, it simply worked as advertised. No surprises!

Satisfied Customer

2nd October 2018

Our choice for Magento ElasticSearch

We, as an agency, have tried multiple search extensions and Wyomind Elasticsearch extension is our choice for M1. Easy to work and auto-correct functionality works exactly where it is needed - in the quick-search.

28th September 2018

Wyomind delivers great Magento extensions

Wyomind delivered high quality extensions for our Magento 2.1 based webstore. Their support is extremely helpful and what is more important the response time is usually 1-3 hours. I highly recommend them if you dont want to wait hours for a reply from support center in Asia as many other magento development do.

Marcin - User for more than 7 years |Magento 2

26th September 2018

Easy to install and use

We have been using Bubbleshop Elastic Search together with the layered navigation for several customers with hardly any problems whatsoever. I would recommend this extension to anyone looking to upgrade from the standard search modules like Sphinx.

26th September 2018

Excellent search system

It is the best search system. It is the fastest of all the systems I have tested, with an easy installation and configuration system, but incredibly scalable. I have over 10,000 products in my catalog, and Elasticsearch provides a quick response to product inquiries in my online store. On the other hand, Wyomind's support service is very correct. The quality/price ratio is very good.

Paco Calvo Savall

18th September 2018

Great Module

Code is extremely clean and stable. Very easy to work with! The support team is prompt and professional, and is happy to assist you with getting things to perform the way you would like to maximize the value of the module. Elastic search is a must have, and no need to look any further than here... Can't beat the price & the quality.

6th September 2018

Fastest search extension available

Tried Sphinx Search extensions, and they all struggled at 50,000+ products... Then noticed everyone that previously developed Sphinxsearch extensions for M1 moved to Elasticsearch with Magento 2.x... However, no reputable ones, but Wyomind, developed anything using Elasticsearch for Magento 1.x ... Tried it, and huge difference... Sphinxsearch: 5-10 seconds average Elasticseach: ~1 second.

Ales - User for more than 6 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

14th August 2018

Great product

Elasticsearch opens up far better search options for Magento websites, it is a must for any shop owners running Magento.

Hamish - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1

10th August 2018

Must have extension for huge catalog.

This plugin boost up the speed of search and relevant results that is amazing I found in this plugin. Indexing is also too fast, so its worth owing this extension. Upgrade and support is nice but yes paid upgrades after the support period is over.

Kapil - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1

4th August 2018

Easy to use extension

Must have an extension for your Magento 2 shop! Integrated great, easy installation.

Shop TXTSV - User for more than 8 years |Magento 2

17th July 2018

Super working Search for Magento 2

Very nice Module with a lot of possibilities to setup weight of search. The preview is super good and descent rate was going down 27% after installing this search. We use it with magento 2.2.3 and it is working stable. For installation we needed some help because of some issues with our theme. Wyomind solved it fast and to 100% satisfaction.

11th July 2018

So great

We're using this extension with Magento 2.1.1 without any issues. Quite easy to integrate and works as published. Only downside is the occasional need to re-index the catalogsearch_fulltext index in Magento after adding/updating products in our catalog.

11th July 2018

So Great

The best elastic search extension for M2

3rd July 2018

great extension

I am using this extension for 3 years and it's working very much fine. Giving better result for the search for my users. The autocomplete feature is very fast. It's also supporting Elasricsearch 5.x version which is great.

2nd July 2018

Nice extension and very fast and helpful support

This extension replaces the useless default Magento 2 search engine and delivers the powerful search capabilities of the Elasticsearch engine in a visually pleasing way. The autocomplete feature is fast and the output template and corresponding css can be configured if needed.

2nd July 2018

Solid and Powerful extension.

We've been using wyomind's Elasticsearch for Magento for quite a while now, and it's an excellent extension!

Dzoyo - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

18th June 2018

Great extension

The best elastic search extension for M2

OCA - User for more than 8 years |Magento 2

15th June 2018


Really useful Elastic search extension that increases traffic, thanks


12th June 2018

Easy to use

Great extension. Using it on magento 1.9 without any problems for the past year. It really puts elasticsearch to work at full potential. With search weight on attributes as well as on individual products you have the correct set-up for a search engine.

octavian - User for more than 7 years |Magento 1

7th June 2018

Hassle-free experience, responsive support team

We're using this extension with Magento 2.1.1 without any issues. Quite easy to integrate and works as published. Only downside is the occasional need to re-index the catalogsearch_fulltext index in Magento after adding/updating products in our catalog.

Mukhund - User for more than 8 years |Magento 2

30th May 2018

Super easy to customize, very strong search capabilities, and great customer support!

Customer support has always responded quickly and resolved all of my issues so far. I recommend this to anyone looking to integrate Elasticsearch into their Magento site.

rchobby - User for more than 6 years |Magento 1

28th May 2018

Amazing Extension

We are using the Wyomind Elasticsearch extension for Magento 2.1.6 and run perfectly without bug or error. and very easy to use. this extension will give you power to improve your site and specialy they have features like autocomplete and super fast suggestion products and pages,tags,etc . so i recommend this extension for those looking for amazing elasticsearch for magento.

Fullstack - User for more than 8 years |Magento 2

28th May 2018

Working Good

After integration, The elastic search working great. Need some configuration to enable/disable price in the auto-suggestion drop down.

23rd May 2018

Comprehensive and stable extension for Elasticsearch that just works

Configuration settings are flexible and indexing seems running smooth. We use it in combination with Amasty Shop By plugin to handle layered navigations, and everything operates as expected

15th May 2018

Responsive support

However elasticseach is a resource heavy addon it's a must have if your customers use your search functionality on your website. Out of the box the magento search is useless but with the module and elastic search set up we managed to get a better customer experience. I had a few pre-sale questions and all were answered within 15 minutes. Keep up the good work!

25th April 2018

Great module & Support

 Works really well, super fast results as you type. Magento's built in search is slow and has poor relevance. Wyomind module solves that and allows weighting of product attributes. Autocomplete layout looks good with product images. Definitely recommend this module for anyone with a serious Magento store who wish to provide the best search results possible.

17th April 2018

Nice extesion and excellent support

This exrtension supports multi store views with different domains. The support is very fast and pretty good.

Alex - User for more than 7 years |Magento 2

13th April 2018

Great performance and continually supported

The performance increase on autocomplete and search results are very noticeable. The plugin is also updated regularly.

David - User for more than 7 years |Magento 2

11th April 2018

Great module for Elasticsearch.

It works great with our server

Erik - User for more than 7 years |Magento 1

7th April 2018

A breath of fresh air compared to stock Magento search

My store is on shared hosting so Elasticsearch should be out of reach, but this extension paired with a small AWS instance I finally have access to powerful search with minimal configuration. I appreciate that, my customers appreciate that. Sales are up and the autocomplete works a treat. It is currently running flawlessly in a multi-store environment.

16th March 2018

Fast search it is!

Very good module for fast search. Needs improvement for indexing products, because with version 5.4 I had complications. autocomplete file has to go to project root or to pub folder. I really want to try the latest version of that module to see latest features and bug fixes.

21st February 2018

Happy user of Elasticsearch extension

Wyomind Elastic Search extension works great on our website. We have more than 1500 SKU and this tool helps a lot to visitors to find the products they are looking for. We like also the search results preview with image thumbnails and product information. Thanks also for the good support and help with the extension setup!

21st February 2018

Autocomplete with Images!!

We are using the Wyomind Elasticsearch extension for Magento 2.2. We chose this extension for the autocomplete feature with images and it has worked great. We get a lot of positive feedback from our customers about the enhanced search capabilities. No issues with over 50,000 products on our site.

31st January 2018

Has potential but could not get it to work fully and support was mediocre in my case

I got it to a point where it was returning results but it was showing products that it should not have. Supports solution was to upgrade to the next version. After questioning that advice I received some condescending responses from one rep. I upgraded and still the same problem - surprise, surprise. The next rep was better to work with but not much more helpful. We don't have the easiest setup to work with so I can't blame it all on them. Even though I was a few months past the 15 days refund period it was obvious I couldn't use their product. I was hoping for a refund given the circumstances but they would not. I can see the potential with the extension but if you need more than basic support you'll have to take your chances that they will be able to help.

ggeller - User for more than 7 years |Magento 1

26th January 2018

Quick and wonderful extension and good customer service/support

Had some trouble installing it during Christmas time (installed the wrong Elasticsearch version). But even in these holidays they answered quickly. After installing I had some incompatibilities with my template, but this was also solved with the help of the great support team. Even some idiot questions I had, they were happy to answer. In short, Great extension, great support.

20th January 2018

Excellent must have extension - Increases search speed drastically

Autocomplete and suggestions speed is lightning fast. Configuration is easy, no need to code unless you want to customize how your autocomplete looks, but it's same everywhere. Search speed increases by a lot. Wish as well it would override regular database and sync all database or just become the main database for Magento, that would certainly increase comfortability of editing and saving products. Hope there will be such upgrades. Very much recommend this module for all.

6th January 2018

Great Extension - must have

We are using this extension since Magento 1.9.x, Installation and Configuration works without any complications. The Integration into our shop was done via a few Code-Changes on our theme - we are using Infortis Ultimo. Customers like to use the search and get very good results through the Elastic-Search plugin compared to the "normal" search done by mysql/mariadb. the hitrate is about 90 % correct without any modification of the search. Summary: It's a great Extension and a MUST HAVE - User for more than 8 years |Magento 2

26th December 2017


one of the best extensions we use. The functionality of installing and configuring, practically without coding is convenient

19th December 2017

Elastic Search is Awesome

Makes searching the website very easy. Most of my customers use the search box instead of the category lookup. Definitely gives better results compared to the native lookup and it does it very quickly. Extension worked out of the box and didn't run into any issue with it. Great Extension!

Tom - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1

18th December 2017

Great Extension

Really great extension works very fast! Elasticsearch in easy to use and set up, must have...

Lorenzo - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1

18th December 2017


Very useful extension, it's a big part of our website; and it's working perfectly. I want to thanks also the support team of Wyomind, very reactive and profesionnal. They helped us for every questions we asked about their service I recommand the use of this extension!

Michael - User for more than 8 years |Magento 2

11th December 2017

Easy to set up and does what it needs to do

Easy to set up and get running. Really good to see Wyomind are working on introducing compatibility with popular extensions from other module developers like Amasty and theme developers such as Ultimo, Porto.

Chris - User for more than 7 years |Magento 2

10th December 2017

Solid Product with Solid Support

We have used Wyomind for the last 3 years now. In that time the quality of the product has been superb and only matched by the quality of the support. Responses are quick, answers are detailed and questions or never a problem. Even when querying inner workings in more detail. I have no hesitation in recommending them for their modules and can honestly say it is now a no brainer to pick them whenever we need new functionality adding to our site.

4th December 2017

Must have

Tout est dans le titre, module essentiel pour une recherche pertinente sur Magento.

30th November 2017

A must-have for magento

Great module that has improved speed, usability and performance a lot, a must-have for magento-webshops. I've tried a lot of different modules before this, and none of them gives the same precise results. We've at total of more than 50.000 products but index is fast and always up-to-date.

29th November 2017

works as advertised

Works great and support has been very helpful.

Brian - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

28th November 2017

Great search extension that has improved speed and performance.

Using Wyominds elastic search extension has improved site speed drastically, we've built our own auto suggest also using the elastic system and it functions great.

24th November 2017

Great extension and great support

We installed chose elasticsearch for one of our Magento 2 projects. When we started the development there were some issues but with the help of great support, we overcame these issues. Later on, we also had problems when we were launching the project for production, it was even more problematic because we were pressured by the deadlines. However, we were saved by support again. Support guys did a really great job in helping us. They were very understanding and quick with their responses. The third time we had issues it was when we were upgrading Magento from 2.1.9 to 2.2.1. This time we had a silly problem, yet support guys displayed their professionalism again and patiently helped us. Thank You for the great extension and great support!

Milda - User for more than 7 years |Magento 2

21st November 2017

Very fast!

Very fast search extension. We have more than 30K products, but it is still fast.

Joris - User for more than 7 years |Magento 2

20th November 2017

Excellent extension

Simply a must for any Magento store

16th November 2017

Good extension, bad support

I've installed the extension and elasticsearch implementation in magento by myself, and when i asked for support because the autocomplete results are not showing the product name only price, and autocomplete pop up was above my menu, the support guys told me for the missing of the name in autocomplete and i quote them "the index is running, you should probably wait for the end of the process." which seems silly to me because it is like that more than 8 hours, as for the autocomplete menu being above my header menu they responded "This is clearly a css issue that must be fixed from your end, with the help of your developer." which i understand also, but just to be clear, when purchasing an extension if you advertise a fully functional extensions you should be able to offer the service to implement it, also my theme which is Porto from Smartwave is "Supported " since a recent version realase. Dont get me wrong , im happy with the extension, but very UNHAPPY with the support, like most of you i come here because of the credentials they have, but i found this.

15th November 2017

Great products

Must for all magento shops that are interested to increase customer search experience. Wyoming support is fast and to the point. Only drawback for me is the price - module cost 90Eur and additional support for 1 month 45Eur. seems.

Mish - User for more than 10 years |Magento 1

15th November 2017

Great Extension, even greater Service

Amazing fast and super friendly support. Response time faster than speed of sound. Extension elasticsearch is a must have for magento, runs like a charm and is easy to config.

mink - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1

13th November 2017

Great Extension - must have

elasticsearch-plugin is a great choice for magento 1 and 2 . i'm running it about 2 years wihout any troubles. configuration is quite easy and self-explaining. customers like the search experience - i got excellent feedback. technical support is also doing a great job, you'll get quick response and always immediately a working solution if you run into troubles. the application is really worth of money. simply a must have !!!

10th November 2017

Great extension

It is worth of money. Must have.

8th November 2017


great plug-in. works fine and it's fairly easy to install. use Elasticsearch, an astonishing search engine can completely change the User experience on your e-commerce, leading to a greater visitor/order ratio. 50k+ products and works fine.

6th November 2017


Good module

Dennis - User for more than 7 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

3rd November 2017

Good extension for huge catalog.

We are having more than 100k products and the search result is quite speedy from such a huge catalog in Magento CE. I would suggest the team to work over relevancy of result, support is quite good. Autocomplete and search results are quite impressive. I would suggest the extension for huge catalogs.

Eric - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1

2nd November 2017

Elastic search M2

It is a very good extension. It is very easy to install and use. I also have done customization in this module and with the help of extension provider I was able to resolve issue Support of team is very good

30th October 2017

Good Extension - Improve your search

With this extension we improved the search of our site. We had a bad autocomplete that was not working as aspected. Now, with this extension, we have the same results in both search results ( Autocomplete and Catalog Search ) with an impressive response.

27th October 2017

Good extension, saved our life at the last moment

Our client was not at all happy with the extension came with the theme. Found this at the last minute and satisified with the performance.

Nag - User for more than 8 years |Magento 2

27th October 2017

Great extension

Great extension, but had some problems with changing the base URL

20th October 2017

Fast, simple... Excellent!

The only choice for magento 1 store!

12th October 2017


awesome the extension. You must to have it.

8th October 2017

Great extension, excellent support!

Must have extension for your Magento 2 shop! Integrated great, easy installation.

8th October 2017

Great Extension

in the beginning of using magento , we experienced issues when searching through our huge prodict-catalogue. after we tested different search-solutions we switched to elasticsearch because it was the best and fastest solution for our magento installation. therefor the elasticsearch module of wyomind was the best choice. the easy configuration and implementation save us a huge amount of time and we we were also suprised of the excellent and professional support of the module-developers regarding customizing the search-eperience on our website. wyomind elasticsearch for magento is a must have for magento 2

6th October 2017

Really fast!

Switching from mySQL to elasticsearch module was great decision since the speed of our search increased drastically! The support was ready to answer all of our questions in time and were very useful. Would recommend the plugin to all Magento users.

6th October 2017

Great Support + Great extension

This is a must have extension! There were a few bugs when they released like any other extensions providers in Magento 2 had, however, what differentiates them from the crowd is that they have the best support, they respond quickly and offer quick fix. They work hard to make their extension compatible with third parties extensions like Amasty Layered navigation. Thank you for being part of our team!

3rd October 2017

Great module!

So easy to install! The best by far!

Makis Dela Bombonera - User for more than 7 years |Magento 1

3rd October 2017

Simply perfect!

1step integration in 5 minutes!

George - User for more than 7 years |Magento 1

2nd October 2017

Much better than the standard search in Magento

Much better than the standard search in Magento

28th September 2017

Great alternative to magento search

for Magento 1, this module was a game changer. We saw conversion rise dramatically after we implemented this. The indexing process is also very fast for large catalogs compared to other alternatives. In testing it was about 5x faster than the previous indexing process.

22nd September 2017


This search has been working well for us. Only downside so far is there seems to be a case sensitivity issue that we're working to get resolved with support.

6th September 2017

really nice

best alternative for magento search. more than satisfied and the conversion rate went up.

michael - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1

5th September 2017

Searching is very fast. The search result is much much better than the default Magento search

Searching is very fast. The search result is much much better than the default Magento search. I like the fact that there is a product thumbnail next to the search results. This extension is one of the best extensions we used to deploy on our website

Mai - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1

3rd September 2017

AAA+++ Module

Really nice module. Works like charm from the beginning. Results works perfect now, and the autocomplete features is extremely fast !. AAA+++ Module. Thanks.

8th August 2017

Excelent Search Module

The search results are much improved. The best option is Fuzzy search option. We have some problems with Autocomplete, is shows all the products we have 27k products and we use SEO Pack by GPMD and hide the end of life products from the catalog, search result... On search results page the end of life product is not shown, on autocomplete the products are still shown The problem is with different visibility settings I haven't managed to fix this issue Still with this small issue the product is excellent.

27th July 2017

its good

ElasticSearch is easy to install, good support from the manufacturer , and fast updates and extensions to the extension . We can recommend the Elasticsearch extension . Elasticsearch is great for search.

27th July 2017

Excellent extension

Easy to use and set up and a major improvement on the default Magento search

24th July 2017

Good ElasticSearch module / Gutes ElasticSearch Modul

Good module and easy to set up. The basic settings are possible. Unfortunately, the lack of settings such as synonymous to manage certain words to push or block. Guten Modul und einfach einzurichten. Die Grundlegenden Einstellungen sind möglich. Leider fehlen Einstellungsmöglichkeiten wie synonyme zu verwalten bestimmte Wörter zu pushen oder zu blocken.

ARS - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1

24th July 2017

Good Search Module

Good Search Module

29th June 2017


Perfect extension! thank you!

ciamb - User for more than 7 years |Magento 1

23rd June 2017

Extension works really well

The extension works really well. We have picked up a few small issues that are fixed on upgrades.

17th June 2017

Fast and Accurate

Well-documented ElasticSearch extension that has made Magento searches much more accurate.Good support as well.

15th June 2017

ElasticSearch for Magento a must have

ElasticSearch is easy to install, good support from the manufacturer, and fast updates and extensions to the extension.
We can recommend the extension Elasticsearch by wyomind without restrictions.

Simple Web-Solutions - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

14th June 2017

Great extension!

Very easy to work with.

Anna - User for more than 8 years |Magento 2

5th June 2017

Great implementation of Elastic Search for Magento

The search and conversion have improved number of times after installing this extension. Search results are looking much better.

31st May 2017

Works flawless no problems

Really recommended; extension works very fast and is quite easy to integrate, of course, there is always some space for improvement, but at the moment what is offered in the market, probably one of the best extensions.

22nd May 2017

Nice extension

Really do nice work, index products fast!! :)

22nd May 2017

Just the best

This is a really great extension which helps to increase the sales of our store. Many of our customers use search to find our products from a wide range of catalog. we are very pleased to use your product keep up the good work we are expecting the best out of you thank you again.

15th May 2017

Fantastic extension

Working very well with a high traffic site, top notch support

David - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1

12th May 2017

extension elasticsearch run stable

extension elasticsearch run stable very good

5th May 2017

Great extension

Wonderful plugin, I wish it was included in the Magento 2 package

Enrico - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

25th April 2017

Excellent extension and support

This extension is great. Their service is even better. I am very satisfied.

25th April 2017

Top helpdesk

Very fast answers on tech support tickets. This is great service you will get. Sometimes not so easy to understand each other but Paul does answer very fast so this means issues are getting sorted out quickly this way to avoid any delays in development of our website. Thank you very much for providing this great module. A little more documentation regarding design would be very helpful. Now is somewhat test and try but at the end it seems getting all ok. I'm looking forward how this extension will run on our magento 2 development server very soon.

18th April 2017

Great Extension!! I recommend this

This is really great extension which helps to increase the sales of our store. Most of our customer uses search to find our products from a wide range of catalogue. This extension increased the search speed a lot compared to the default search. The Support is great mostly Paul, he is the real hero :) , help a lot from installing to configuring and all. One star less for Pierre's. He always bring the bad news don't know why.This is the place where I expect the improvement needs to be made.Sorry to say that but I feel this way. Overall experience is great. Kudos to the extension developers and support.

Navin - User for more than 8 years |Magento 2

12th April 2017

Thank you from Seeds Here Now

We at Seeds Here Now we're looking for a solution that would do away with our Magento search sluggishness. We spent months searching for a way to help out customers search better and we found this extension here at Wyomind that would work with our customers elastisearch integration. It is fast and our customers can find our seed packs easily now. Thank you so much for helping us get our search engine up to speed with your elastisearch extension.

23rd March 2017

Must have extension

Great for easily improving search results.

22nd March 2017

It's a must-have Search Extension for Magento

This is a must-have extension to replace the awful native search functionality of Magento. It's easy to install and works out the box as discussed. The support is good and responses are quick, as advertised. This extension is compatible with Amazon ES which is what we needed. Thanks to the Wyomind team for great work.

Lex W - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1

15th March 2017

Good Extension and Support

Extremely responsive support which helped us sort out some order issues. Its a good extension with the added bonus that the extension comes bundled with the security extension Watchlog if you so choose. Having used SOLR in the past its refreshing to now use Elastic Search with a good quality Magento extension.

10th March 2017

Works great - well worth getting

Highly recommended - we used this module for our Magento 2 project and it didn't disappoint. It allowed us the flexibility to index and improve our search engines by a huge margin. I would always advise you do not use Magento's standard functionality and look to implement something like this.

Nick - User for more than 8 years |Magento 2

9th March 2017

Best search solution for Magento shops

The Magento plugin is excellent. The authors kept every setting easy to understand and change. The implementation was also quite easy and brought no compatibility issues like other plugins do out of the box. Furthermore no code changes where necessary. Our customers loved the search features like image-display, and other stuff which can be easily adopted through the admin-interface. in addition to the kibana and logstash plugins, the magento-information can easily transferred and analysed to your existing elastic-search installation. Give it a try, the plugin is a must-have!!! Thanks to the developers for their great work!

8th March 2017

Fast easy search - must have.

Magento's out of the box search is a little bit inconvenient. We searched for a solution to offer our customers a fast search with product image preview. Elasticsearch from Wyomind does everything a search should do. It's easy and fast to implement and with a little bit of support from Wyomind we were live in a few hours with our new search. Thanks a lot!

27th February 2017

Great purchasing experience and a great extension

I have been looking at the options for enhancing my Magento search and came across Elastic Search. I started reading about the open source search engine then set about finding a plugin to utilise it's power. All roads seemed to lead to Wyomind....and a good job too, the whole experience has been great. Purchasing the plugin was a breeze, as was installation, and the plugin works great. I expect to see an increase in conversions straight away!

16th February 2017

Fantastic extension and support!

The extension is great and provides out of the box functionality. What really sets Wyomind apart is their support. They make sure you are successful. Highly recommend!

Corey - User for more than 9 years |Magento 1

13th February 2017


Far better than the core Magento Enterprise Elastic Search functionality. More reliable, more functionality. Definitely recommended.

13th January 2017

Great Support!

Wyomind is the only foreign company we trust in! The support is great and fast, we never have seen this quality in supporting software. we can recommend the whole team. The extensions are also really helpful

5th January 2017


Extremely quick, easy to understand (even for me) and very good results. Thanks for another great module guys (and all the support)

Alan - User for more than 8 years |Magento 2

3rd January 2017

Nice support for elastic search for magento 1.9

We need some modification for our website. Elasticsearch was a huge help for searching our 40.000 products catalog. Wyomind support was excellent and very fast, they replied in < 1 hour.

1st January 2017

Amélioration recherche Magento

- Simple à configurer côté admin Magento - Côté serveur, pour les néophytes, il faudra passer par prestataire pour installer le serveur elastic search - Un souci, cependant... depuis une maj de Magento vers la la fonction voir tous les produits ne fonctionne plus (gênant même handicapant - recherche solution)

Jérôme - User for more than 10 years |Magento 1

22nd December 2016

A must for improving search results

Installation is really quick. It's a must for the users to help them find the products they are really looking for. Highly recommend it !

Yab - User for more than 8 years |Magento 2

18th December 2016

Very good search extension

I have tried solr bridge, but this extension with elasticsearch is more flexible and way better customizable. I recommend this extension if you are looking for better search results. Very fast support and problem solvers.

Sebastian Lorenz - User for more than 11 years |Magento 1

16th December 2016

A must have extension and fast support!

Initially had some trouble getting the module working with my theme but Wyomind had it sorted out in no time. The default search in Magento 1 is very lackluster so we needed something that gave more precise search result and this extension did exactly that. Would highly recommend.

8th December 2016

Best solution for elasticsearch

After trying many different opensource/free modules none were providing full operation without errors.
Fast process (less than 5 mins) from purchasing to install with no issues at all.


22nd September 2016

Extremely responsive support

Extremely responsive support that has gone above and beyond to ensure our satisfaction. Code quality is unparalleled, Wyomind have proven themselves time and time again with amazing extensions. Very happy!


23rd October 2015

Powerful Extension and Support

Great fast module and support is also very very good and fast.


21st October 2015

Great and fast Support

This extension in combination with elastic search is a must have for every magento shop!
Although it was not working after installation bubble support was fast, kind and effectiv in helping to get it work as should!


27th August 2015

Magnificient extension

This extension is pure magic.
Extremely easy to install and configure.
Needed to make a small change and it was very easy to do. The code is clean and respect Magento's guidelines.
Support was really fast (less than a day to answer) and really helpful.
If you want to upgrade Magento's basic search, this is the way to go!


20th August 2015

Fantastic Support

Johann was very quick to respond and provided excellent support. We had an issue with a theme file that he fixed very quickly.
Would definitely buy from him again.


12th August 2015

Great extension - great support

We have a new webshop with more than 250k+ products. So we had to get a good and fast search. We wanted a fulltext search (even the descriptions of the products should be indexed) with features like suggestions on bad search phrases and a fault tolerant search. So MySQL as engine has been no choice. On our search for better fulltext search engines we found elasticsearch a cluster based search engine (single node on localhost is possible too). And even better we found this extension that would integrate our elasticsearch engine.
The search indexing process in the backend is really fast even with descriptions of the products included (< 10 minutes) The performance and the relevance of the search results in the frontend are fast, impressive and more than satisfying. The speed, relevance and ordering of the search hits is outstanding good.
We found a little bug and contacted the developer. The response time and time for eliminating the bug has been fast and competent.
Yes, we are a very satisfied customer and yes we recommend this extension.


16th October 2014

Highly recommended search enhancement

Let's face it, the integrated MySQL search stinks. This module adds support for elasticsearch, which is the current state-of-the-art open source search solution.
Not only is this search engine lightning quick, but it comes with features like a suggest that actually suggests something before the sun goes down, complete with thumbnails of the products in the suggest fold-down menu. Fuzzy search means you can mistype and still get good results, and with added "Did you mean?" suggestions.
The Bubble Search module integrates all this nicely into Magento in an easy to use fashion and with useful default settings. Other than you having to install elasticsearch, which is easy to do for a search engine, it is basically plug and play.
I've found the developer's support to be outstanding, he's always quick to respond and help if a problem arises. Take it from someone who's been in the Enterprise Search business for a good dozen years: You want this search, and you don't need a way more expensive legacy search solution for most business cases.


21st September 2014

All seems to work well

A little tweaking on the settings side to allow greater weight to the product title and now the results work well. Easy installation. Would recommend


29th July 2014

Very Good Support and good quality extension

Johann has been very helpful and has helped make sure the extension works the way it should. very prompt email support. It is on of the best search extensions on the market. Highly recommend it.


28th July 2014

Fast and easy to integrate, works perfect!

Excellent code quality, easy to integrate and it does what's been described on the box ;)
If you need a fast industry standard drop-in replacement for the default magento search with ElasticSearch base, you should take an eye on this nice extension.


2nd June 2014

Elasticsearch by BubbleShop A++++

Magento's built in search is worthless in the niche i'm in. So many people misspell the names of products or don't know exactly what they are searching for. Elasticsearch to the rescue! It's able to work without any special settings and deliver the correct products to the user. Search is useful again!
Support has been fast for me, even on weekends.
Just remember to secure your elasticsearch
I use iptables:
(maybe centOS specific)
Secure Elasticsearch
sudo iptables -A INPUT -i lo -p tcp --dport 9200 -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 9200 -j DROP
Must do this to each port elasticsearch is using 9201,etc..
To undo the above
sudo iptables -D INPUT -i lo -p tcp --dport 9200 -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -D INPUT -p tcp --dport 9200 -j DROP
Then run
service iptables restart


14th April 2014

Works out of the box

This extension works good. However, developer support is poor. Developers are giving suggestions that are not very helpful and the response time is slow.


6th February 2014

Lightweight, working and clean extension

It's just working and indexing speed is overwhelming.
Nice work.


18th September 2013

Great Extension.

As a Magento Certified developer myself I was very pleasantly surprised with the quality of this module and the code. Not much configuration required.
The support from the developer was great! (had a question or two regarding backporting this module to 1.6.1)
This module in combination with a simple elasticsearch installation spead up our 200.000 product search immensly and gives much better results.



  • New dependency to ezimuel/ringphp

Initial release for the master version

Initial release for the legacy version


  • Compatibility with Magento v2.4.6 + PHP v8.2


  • Better support for other entities than product, cms and category


  • Define fallback url for cms page if no URL write are defined

Bug fix

  • Js fix to prevent console errors if some entities are missing from the json data
  • The search is not launched when the ENTER key is pressed if the search field does not contain the minimum number of chars required
  • Fix for the Did you mean display
  • Compatibility with Search By Attribute (coming soon module)
  • Recovery of all the elements of the search form in the request to elastic.php
  • Improvements for the integration of external entities (other than products, CMS, categories)
  • Fix to force the update of Elasticsearch Core


  • Improvement of the schedule update system: the entities to be indexed are put on hold if the stock and price indexers do not have an update date more recent than the entity update date
  • Update on schedule for indexes
  • Management of entities to be reindexed using database triggers and cron job
  • Enhancement when managing several search fields in the page
  • Fix for checking dates of special prices for the result display when retrieving results via local cache

New Features

  • New tool in the backend to test the search and give explanations of the scores of each product retrieved in the search
  • Possibility to run an index via a cron task: a task is added to the database and scheduled for 1 minute in the future


  • Improvement of the genericity of certain parts of the code to allow adding new indexed entities more easily in the frontend
  • Management of URLs without using the attribute code
  • Better management of log files: client, indexing, server status, requests
  • New notification to know which modules use attributes in the indexable/searchable attribute grid
  • Optimization to avoid time-consuming Elasticsearch queries for configurable products
  • Support for product URLs containing categories in category pages
  • Improvement of the amount of information indexed at the level of configurable products
  • setup: upgrade is more permissive when the UNIX user does not have sufficient rights to deploy the elastic.php files
  • Dynamic update of the mapping for the positions of the products in the categories


  • Compatibility with Elasticsearch 2 and +5
  • Better compatibility with Shop By Brand

Bug Fix

  • Fix when using the min query length and no "no product found" message before reaching this limit
  • Fix for a bug in the management of an event when the multi-shipping is enabled
  • Fix for the button in the search form when the autocomplete is displayed


  • New option to redirect the customer to the product page if there is only one product in the results from the autocomplete
  • The "no product found" configurable label is taken into account


  • The new version of the Codazon theme is taken into account


  • Use of the Magento configuration to know from how many characters to start the search in the autocomplete and below how many characters the search terms are ignored
  • New option to display available products first


  • Indexing of the children price in the configurable product
  • Indexing of the children availability in the configurable product
  • Improved indexing time for configurable products
  • Fix for a JS bug in the products section from the autocomplete
  • Better calculation of the catalog price rules to improve the price display reliability


  • Addition of the "explain" option in debug mode
  • Fix for the price display in the autocomplete: special prices were sometimes ignored


  • Use of a progress bar for displaying the indexers status: the progress bar is regularly updated and is available on CLI
  • Products with visibility set on "search" are not displayed on the categories pages


  • Sample data improved for the demo


  • If the simple product image is a placehoder, then the configurable product image is retrieved instead


  • No more needs to select MySql as the search engine in the Magento configuration
  • Fix on layouts when the Elasticsearch server is not available
  • Fix on a JS error (isEmpty is not defined)


  • Improved license management system (Clear code)


  • Compatibility with Elasticsearch Core: better management when filters to apply for the prices don't have min or max markers
  • Compatibility with ELSCORE 4.1.23


  • Compatibility with Codazon themes


  • Display of a placeholder for the products without image


  • Update of sample data for the demo store


  • Enhancement of the mobile view


  • Management of JQuery libraries calls according to the version of Magento
  • Better JavaScript compatibility with Magento 2.3

New Features

  • Possibility to choose the GIF for the loader
  • Possibility to add the terms added in the autocomplete to the Magento search terms

Bug Fix

  • Fix for the ENTER key in the search field

  • Fix for XSS issue
  • Fix for the enter key in the search box
  • Use of the arrow keys to navigate in the autocomplete


  • Sample data available for the demo

New feature

  • Management of the synonyms


  • Better management of CSS in the checkout
Patch v7.2.0.7

  • Fix on a typo

Patch v7.2.0.6

  • Code clean

Patch v7.2.0.5

  • Fix on code

Patch v7.2.0.4

  • Minor fix on code

Patch v7.2.0.3

  • Minor fix

Patch v7.2.0.2

  • Fix for the special prices display

Patch v7.2.0.1

  • Fix for the Jsonview library inclusion in the frontend

Bug Fix

  • Fix for PHP Fatal error
  • Enhancement of the products indexation in Magento 2.3 when out of stock products are not indexed
Patch v7.1.9.6

  • CSS fix for the mini-cart

Patch v7.1.9.5

  • CSS fix

Patch v7.1.9.4

  • Fix for translations

Patch v7.1.9.3

  • Fix for Internet Explorer 11

Patch v7.1.9.2

  • Fix on the autocomplete JS module name

Patch v7.1.9.1

  • Fix for the special price display if no date_from and no date_to


  • Improvement for Varnish support
Patch v7.1.8.2

  • Fix for Internet Explorer 11

Patch v7.1.8.1

  • Fix for the autocomplete display on iOs.


  • Compatibility with Magento 2.3


  • CSS and JS enhancements
Patch v7.1.4.1

  • Fix on a typo in the template


  • Minor code improvements


  • Better management for products that have no indexed price (out of stock products)


  • Support of prices per customer group
Patch v7.1.0.1

  • Fix for the management of prices per customer group


  • Users permissions management

New feature

  • New Core module for indexation


  • Code refactoring
  • Better management of highlights
  • Compatibility with Elasticsearch Multifaceted Autocomplete and Elasticsearch Layered Navigation
Patch v7.0.0.7

  • Labels used in the autocomplete are escaped

Patch v7.0.0.6

  • Fix on the original template when it's included twice in the page

Patch v7.0.0.5

  • Fix on a layout for categories and CMS pages display in the search results page

Patch v7.0.0.4

  • Fix when the desktop/mobile search field is different but with same id

Patch v7.0.0.3

  • Minor fix

Patch v7.0.0.3

  • Minor fix


  • The search by sku gives results from 3 characters

Bug Fix

  • JS fix for Safari
Patch v6.1.2.7

  • Fix on a typo

Patch v6.1.2.6

  • JS syntax fix

Patch v6.1.2.5

  • Minor JS fix

Patch v6.1.2.4

  • Fix for parent categories and categories with no product

Patch v6.1.2.3

  • Escaped characters deleted in the autocomplete

Patch v6.1.2.2

  • Fix when using regular expression characters in search field

Patch v6.1.2.1

  • Improved performance when indexing


  • Storeview codes can be added to the urls when indexing categories
Patch v6.1.1.2

  • Improvement for the terms highlight in the autocomplete

Patch v6.1.1.1

  • Fix for compatibility with Magento 2.2.5


  • Compatibility with Magento 2.2.5
Patch v6.1.0.4

  • Fix for compatibility with Magento 2.2.5

Patch v6.1.0.3

  • Fix on a variable

Patch v6.1.0.2

  • Fix for compatibility with Magento < 2.2.5

Patch v6.1.0.1

  • Fix when indexing categories via the command line


  • Option to activate/deactivate pub folder for images
Patch v6.0.3.9

  • Fix when installing Magento and Elasticsearch at the same time

Patch v6.0.3.8

  • Minor fix on a command

Patch v6.0.3.7

  • Enhancement for the installation via CLI

Patch v6.0.3.6

  • Fix on files

Patch v6.0.3.5

  • Fix on files

Patch v6.0.3.4

  • Fix for the Utlimo theme

Patch v6.0.3.3

  • Fix on the disabled CMS pages displayed in the autocomplete

Patch v6.0.3.2

  • Autocomplete template fix

Patch v6.0.3.13

  • Fix when saving the configuration

Patch v6.0.3.12

  • Minor fix when indexing products

Patch v6.0.3.11

  • Fix for the indexation of the configurable product prices

Patch v6.0.3.10

  • Fix when installing Magento and Elasticsearch at the same time

Patch v6.0.3.1

  • Minor bug fix


  • Better compatibility of the product

Bug Fix

  • Fix on an undefined index
  • Fix on the indexation of products when updating the list from a category
Patch v6.0.2.1

  • Fix for accented characters


  • New css rules for the autocomplete box
  • The autocomplete box shows in which category path the products lie
  • The autocomplete bow shows the number of results for the suggested results
  • New button to show all results
Patch v6.0.1.6

  • Fix for Magento Cloud Edition

Patch v6.0.1.5

  • Fix for the product urls

Patch v6.0.1.4

  • Fix for the dependency with elasticsearch/elasticsearch:^6.0.0

Patch v6.0.1.3

  • Fix for the product visibility

Patch v6.0.1.2

  • Fix the sorting in the result pages

Patch v6.0.1.1

  • fix for the command line

New Features

  • New responsive autocomplete box
  • Compatibility with Elasticsearch v2, v5 and v6
  • "Did you mean?" feature available now in the autocomplete box
  • New templating editor  in store > configuration (CSS and HTML)
  • Search terms are hightlited in the search result in the autocomplete box
  • Support for Ultimo theme
  • Support for Amasty Layered Navigation
  • New command lines (for debugging)


  • Better support of the stock status
  • Better support of the product weigth
  • Better support of the url rewrites
  • Better support for the images
Patch v6.0.0.2

  • Fix for the order of display in the autocomplete box and in the search results page 

Patch v6.0.0.1

  • Fix for the display of the autocomplete


  • Better ordering of the results in the search result pages
Patch v5.5.1.5

  • Fix on undefined index

Patch v5.5.1.4

  • Fix for the display of the product depending on the visibility

Patch v5.5.1.3

  • Fix for the layouts in Magento 2.2.x

Patch v5.5.1.2

  • Remove useless code

Patch v5.5.1.1

  • Fix for the command lines


  • compatibility with Magento v2.2.1
Patch v5.5.0.2

  • Fix for the layouts in Magento 2.2.x

Patch v5.5.0.1

  • Fix for the url rewriting when metadata are missing in the database


  • New command line to refresh the config file in var/elasticsearch
    php-cli bin/magento wyomind:elasticsearch:updateconfig​
Patch v5.4.1.3

  • Fix for the layouts in Magento 2.2.x

Patch v5.4.1.2

  • Fix for the url rewriting when metadata are missing in the database

Patch v5.4.1.1

  • fix for the indexation of the big integers 


  • Fuzzy query mode is now editable
  • Disabled CMS page are no indexed anymore
  • Several observers added
    • wyomind_elasticsearch_autocomplete_save_config_before
    • wyomind_elasticsearch_autocomplete_save_config_after
    • wyomind_elasticsearch_create_index_before
    • wyomind_elasticsearch_create_index_after
    • wyomind_elasticsearch_indexer_clean_before
    • wyomind_elasticsearch_indexer_clean_after
    • wyomind_elasticsearch_indexer_delete_before
    • wyomind_elasticsearch_indexer_delete_after
    • wyomind_elasticsearch_indexer_save_before
    • wyomind_elasticsearch_indexer_save_after
    • wyomind_elasticsearch_category_index_properties
    • wyomind_elasticsearch_cms_index_properties
    • wyomind_elasticsearch_product_index_properties
    • wyomind_elasticsearch_category_attributes
    • wyomind_elasticsearch_cms_attributes
    • wyomind_elasticsearch_category_export_before
    • wyomind_elasticsearch_category_export_after
    • wyomind_elasticsearch_cms_export_before
    • wyomind_elasticsearch_cms_export_after
    • wyomind_elasticsearch_product_export_before
    • wyomind_elasticsearch_product_export_after
    • wyomind_elasticsearch_full_product_reindex_after


  • Support for Smartwave_Porto theme
  • Compatibility with Magento v2.2
  • Support for Amasty Layered navigation and multiple attribute selection

Patch v5.4.0.3

  • Fix for the layouts in Magento 2.2.x

Patch v5.4.0.2

  • Fix for the url rewriting when metadata are missing in the database

Patch v5.4.0.1

  • fix for the indexation of the big integers 


  • Configurable products are no longer displayed in categories page when there is no simple product matching the filters (layered navigation) 
Patch v5.3.4.4

  • Fix for the layouts in Magento 2.2.x

Patch v5.3.4.3

  • Fix for the url rewriting when metadata are missing in the database

Patch v5.3.4.2

  • fix for the indexation of the big integers 

Patch v5.3.4.1

  • Fix products shortest and longest URLs indexation


  • https now shows up when ssl is active on product URL

Patch v5.3.3.4

  • Fix for the layouts in Magento 2.2.x

Patch v5.3.3.3

  • Fix for the url rewriting when metadata are missing in the database

Patch v5.3.3.2

  • fix for the indexation of the big integers 

Patch v5.3.3.1

  • Fix products shortest and longest URLs indexation

Bug Fix :

  • Fix a php error when creating a storeview in the backend
Patch v5.3.2.4

  • Fix for the layouts in Magento 2.2.x

Patch v5.3.2.3

  • Fix for the url rewriting when metadata are missing in the database

Patch v5.3.2.2

  • fix for the indexation of the big integers 

Patch v5.3.2.1

  • Fix products shortest and longest URLs indexation

Improvements :

  • Fix the categories url fetching when saving a category in the backend
Patch v5.3.1.5

  • Anonymous function removed

Patch v5.3.1.4

  • Fix for the layouts in Magento 2.2.x

Patch v5.3.1.3

  • Fix for the url rewriting when metadata are missing in the database

Patch v5.3.1.2

  • fix for the indexation of the big integers 

Patch v5.3.1.1

  • Fix products shortest and longest URLs indexation

Improvements :

  • Compatibility with Elasticsearch server 5.x
Patch v5.3.0.5

  • Anonymous function removed

Patch v5.3.0.4

  • Fix for the layouts in Magento 2.2.x

Patch v5.3.0.3

  • Fix for the url rewriting when metadata are missing in the database

Patch v5.3.0.2

  • fix for the indexation of the big integers 

Patch v5.3.0.1

  • Fix products shortest and longest URLs indexation


  • Search weight by product: you can now apply a weight to each product individually
  • Data browser: you can now check the data indexed in Elasticsearch server directly from the backoffice

Improvement :

  • Better handling of products list when using layered navigation


  • Ability to use either the product url, the shortest category product url, or the longest category product url in the autocomplete form


  • Check the Elasticsearch server's status directly from the admin


  • Advanced search management


  • Elasticsearch is compatible with Magento 2.1.0


  • Use of Elasticsearch on the frontend category pages

Bug Fix:

  • Fix when deleting products from the admin


  • Elasticsearch is compatible with Magento 2
Demo store

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