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How to highlight your Shopping ads with Google Merchant Promotions

If you have already submitted your products to Google Shopping and you want to highlight your Shopping ads, you can subscribe to the Google Merchant Promotions program from your Merchant Center account. It is so simple!

You haven't sent any product to Google yet? See more about Google Shopping Ads.

What is Google Merchant Promotions?

The program allows retailers to distribute online promotions with Shopping ads on by displaying a Special offer link.

What better way than displaying discounts to attract customers? This link will for sure attract shoppers' attention and can highly encourage them to buy from your shop. 

If they are interested, shoppers can click on the Special Offer link. A popup will display the details of the offer as well as a direct link to the store. 

Visit Google's documentation for more details about the Merchant Promotions program.

How to add your products' promotions on Google Shopping from your Magento store

You can send your products' promotions to Google Merchant very easily from your Magento store using the Google Merchant Promotions extension.

Generally, users have already added a products' data feed to their Merchant Center account.

If you haven't sent your products to Google Shopping yet, you can check our full documentation

Step 1 - Fill out the interest form

Before being able to create a promotions' feed, users must fill out the Merchant Promotions interest form

The Google team will take 1-2 weeks to review any participation requests.

Check Google's Program Policies and Editorial Guidelines.

Step 2 - Select your cart price rules

When the extension is installed, merchants select the cart price rules they want to add to Google Shopping from their Magento back-office. See how to configure the cart price rules

Step 3 - Add the promotion attribute to your data feed

After that, they simply add the promotion_id attribute to their product data feed. This allows Google to link the products to the promotions. 

Check how to configure the data feed

Step 4 - Generate and upload your promotions feed

Finally, users generate both data feeds for the products and the promotions from their Magento back-office and upload these feeds to their Google Merchant Center account.

See how to upload your promotions feed to Google Merchant


Google may take a couple of days to review your items and promotions and check details against current shopping-ad rules and policies.

Once the data feed has been reviewed by Google, you’ll be able to download a report to check the errors and warnings that could prevent your products and promotions from being displayed on Google Shopping.

For more details about your item and feed issues, check the Diagnostic page.

See also

How to take full advantage of Google Shopping with your Magento store

How to make your Shopping ads stand out with Google Product Ratings

How to benefit from Google Customer Reviews to gain visibility on Shopping ads

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