solutions for e-commerce

14 years of business 2581 reviews 4.9 average rating
User guide

How to use the Dynamic Category extension for Magento?

When using Magento default installation, products can only be assigned to categories manually

With Dynamic Category, products can be dynamically assigned to categories based on product attributes.

This extension allows you to define product conditions (general and special conditions) for each category, as well as custom product positions and to select matching products.

Follow this guide to know how to use the Dynamic Category extension.

STEP 1: Define conditions on the categories

Dynamic Category allows you to define your own conditions from:
CatalogManage Categories

Select the category for which you want to define conditions and go in the below tab:
Category ProductsDynamic Products

General Conditions

With Dynamic Category, you can define conditions based on the products attributes of Magento.

Click on the arrow from the Dynamic Products subtab.

From the product attributes list, choose the attribute you want to create a condition for (color, size..).

Attribute Set is Clothing

By clicking on Refresh Matching Products, you should get all the products that match the condition.

Special Product Conditions

Besides the product attributes conditions, Dynamic Category comes with very useful additional conditions that allow you to customize product conditions easily.

  • Is salable
    Add the products if they are salable or not.  
    Is Salable is Yes
  • In promo
    This condition uses the product price index table populated by Magento when the indexation process is over.
    It checks if any modification has been made on the product price through either catalog price rules or special prices.
    In the case of promotions (catalog price rules), the reduced price will appear only on the frontend.
    In Promo is Yes
  • Is new
    Add the products if they are new or not.  
    Is New is Yes
  • Created
    Add the products depending on the date of their creation.
    Created during the last 5 days
  • Quantity in stock
    Add the products depending on their quantity.  
    Quantity In Stock is 100
  • In stock
    Add the products depending on their availability.  
    In Stock is Yes
  • Special price applied
    Unlike the above condition, this one only checks if a special price has been applied to the product for a specific period of time.
    Therefore, any other price reduction or modification won't be included (for example: catalog price rules).
    Special Price Applied is Yes
  • Product type
    Define a condition based on product types.
    You can select one or multiple product types for matching products.
    Product Type is one of Simple Product, Virtual Product, Downloadable Product
  • Has image
    Add the products if they have an image or not.  
    Has Image is Yes
  • Total child products quantity in stock
    Sometimes, it is useful to filter configurable or grouped products by the quantity the assigned simple products have in stock.
    Note that each simple product quantity is added to its parent product.
    Total Child Products Quantity In Stock is 10 
  • Replace matching simple products by parent products
    Thanks to this condition, you'll be able to replace a simple product by its parent. The attributes previously stored with the simple product will then be retrieved. 
    Regarding simple products that don't have any parent (orphan products), you'll be able to either keep or discard them.
    Replace Matching Simple Products By Parent Products and Keep Orphans
  • Attribute Set (multiselect)
    Add the products depending on their attribute set.  
    Attribute Set is one of Clothing, Eyewear, Jewelry, Shoes
  • Attribute Set (regular expression)
    Add the products depending on their attribute set.  
    You have the choice between matches regexp and does not match regexp
    Attribute Set matches regexp bath|decor

STEP 2: Import categories conditions

In the case where you already have created some categories conditions and that you want to assign the same rules for another category, you can directly import these conditions from the Import Category Conditions tab.

All you need to do is to choose the category from which you want to retrieve the conditions and then click on Import.

The conditions will then be displayed in the Dynamic Products tab. You still have the possibility to change some values if needed.

STEP 3: Index your products

For better frontend performances, the products that match conditions are indexed in the native Magento database table.

Products are then retrieved in the frontend just like Magento default behavior and in the order that you have defined in the backend.

Because products may not match defined conditions anymore (attribute has changed, the promotion has expired), they have to be indexed periodically in order to refresh the products list both in the backend and in the frontend.

There are several ways of indexing your products:

  • manually
  • via a command line
  • via a cron task

Manual indexation

You can manually index your products and categories in:
CatalogManage Categories

Choose a category from the Category Products tab, click on Refresh Matching Products.

Indexation via the Command Lines Interface

You have the possibility to reindex all your categories using the following command line:

php shell/Wyomind_Dynamiccategory.php

Automatic indexation

The matching products are indexed for performance purposes.

If a product does not match the defined conditions anymore, you’ll have to wait until the scheduled task has finished (by default, every 24 hours) for the product to be removed from the list.

You can change the configuration of the scheduled task and change the expiry date before refreshing the product list in:
SystemConfiguration Wyomind Dynamic CategorySettings

  • Automatically Reindex Matching Products
    Reindex the matching products via a scheduled task.
  • Reindex Matching Products Every
    Define the frequency of the automatic indexation in hours.
  • Enable Category Reindexation Logging
    Choose to enable the categories indexation logging.

Note that the default Magento cron.php task must be configured for this to work.

Dynamically associate products to categories with Dynamic Category!

Manage matching products with ease

  • Preview matching products while creating the conditions
  • Dynamically retrieve category products

Define your own conditions in one go

  • Assign products to a category depending on product attributes
  • Use special conditions to retrieve discounted or new products
  • Import conditions from other categories

Easily index matching products

  • Manually refresh matching products
  • Automatically refresh matching products via cron task
Freqently Asked Questions
Pre-sales informations

This extension works with Magento Community Edition and also Magento Enterprise Edition. To know if Dynamic Category is compatible with your Magento version, please check the Compatibility tab. 

License and domains

We offer our customers who want to migrate their Magento 1 license to a Magento 2 license, the transfer at a reduced price. 

You have the possibility to migrate your license directly from your Wyomind account in:
My accountLicenses & Downloads

Click on migrate to magento 2  in front of the extension and the domain you want to transfer. 

Confirm you want to migrate your license to a Magento 2 license by clicking on Confirm and checkout .

An invoice will be automatically added to your account from: 
My accountInvoices


The price of the transfer is equivalent to a 30% reduction compared to the price of the regular Magento 2 license.

You can proceed to the payment by clicking on PP .

Once the payment is done, you can go back to: 
My accountLicenses & Downloads

There you will be able to download and install your license for Magento 2. 

Note that your license for Magento 1 will remain active indefinitely in your Wyomind account in order for you to migrate with peace.

A license is valid for an unlimited period of time on one single Magento installation.

If you use more than one Magento installation, you will have to buy a separate license for each one.

If you run several domains on the same Magento installation, you will need only one license for all of them.

Although your license doesn’t have a limited period of validity, your support period does. By purchasing an extension, you’ll be granted a 6-month support period for free. Passed this period, you will have to renew your Support plan (see FAQ: How to extend my support period?).

You can pre-register your live domain to your license in advance.

Thanks to this option, you'll be able to get the extension ready to use on your domain before it goes live.

To pre-register your production domain: 

  1. Go to:
    mY accountLicenses & DOwnloads
  2. Click on  next to the extension you want your domain to pre-register on.
  3. Click on the link at the bottom of the page saying:
    Do you want to pre-register your domain in order to be ready to go live?
  4. Finally, enter your domain name and click on pre-register now .
Attention, this doesn't mean your license is activated. You'll still have to activate it on your new domain when the extension is installed. 

One license is valid for an unlimited period of time on one Magento installation only.  

It is possible, however, to extend or transfer your license in 2 cases: 

  • If you'd like to add your testing environments to your license.
    In this case, it is possible to extend your license to an unlimited number of domains for free.
    For example or
  • If you want to transfer your license to another live domain.
    In that case, the support period for your license must still be active.

To be able to use Dynamic Category on both your production and testing environments, follow the instructions below:

  1. Download Dynamic Category.
    (see FAQ: Extensions download)
  2. Install Dynamic Category on your production environment.
    (see FAQ: Extensions installation)
  3. Activate the license.
    (see FAQ: Extensions activation).
  4. From your Magento admin panel, enter your current Activation Key in:
  5. Save your configuration.

Now that you can use Dynamic Category on your production environment, repeat the same steps as above on your testing environments.

The only difference this time: a notification will appear in your Magento admin

You will be given a choice between:

  1. buy a new license now
  2. add this domain to my license

Click on Add this domain to my license.

A transfer request will then be sent to our team within an hour.

Once the request is taken care of, you will receive a confirmation email.

If your transfer request is accepted, you can use Dynamic Category on both environments at the same time.

The order in which you activate your license on your domains does not matter.
You can start with your staging/dev/local environment or with your live domain, the process will be the same.
Modules versioning and download

In order to download Dynamic Category, log into your Wyomind account:

    1. Go to:
      my accountLicenses & downloads 
    2. Click on the  icon next to Dynamic Category.

      A new window opens.

    3. Choose the version of Dynamic Category.
      You will be able to choose the most recent version of Dynamic Category (for both Magento 1 and Magento 2).
    4. Click on  .

Your download can start.

When purchasing an extension from, you benefit from a lifetime upgrade. You can at any time download the latest version of the extension directly from your account. 

To upgrade Dynamic Category, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to:
    my accountLicenses & Downloads
  2. Click on  next to Dynamic Category.
  3. Choose the latest version of Dynamic Category (for Magento 1 and Magento 2).
  4. Click on download .
  5. Install the new version of Dynamic Category to update your Magento admin. 

Modules Installation/Uninstallation

To uninstall Dynamic Category, go on its zip folder and open it.

You will find a shell file (such as: that you must execute on both your server and Magento root directory.

Once the uninstallation is over, refresh your cache and enable the compiler back again (if you use it).

Before installing Dynamic Category, you’ll have to:

  • Backup your Magento installation in:
    system  tools   backups
  • Disable the compiler in your Magento admin panel if it’s not already disabled:
    system  tools   COMPILATIONS
  • Refresh your cache in:
    systemselect cache typeactionsrefreshsubmit

Now you can install Dynamic Category:

  1. Download Dynamic Category (zip file) from:
    my account my downloads
    Refer to FAQ here: Extensions download
  2. Once Dynamic Category is downloaded, open the folder and unzip it.
  3. Copy the content of the unzip folder and paste all files and directories in your Magento root directory (the folder content can vary according to the extension but it generally includes app, lib and skin folders).

  4. Once your installation is complete, don't forget to enable the compiler back (if it was already enabled before the installation) and run compilation process.
  5. Refresh your cache, logout from your admin panel and log back in right after.

Next step is to activate your license, to do so, click here: Extension activation

Modules activation

Once Dynamic Category is installed, you have to activate the license: 

  1. Go to your Magento admin panel. A message pops up at the top of the page.

    If the message doesn't appear then you must check that:

    Wyomind's License Manager has not been removed from your installation.
    Wyomind's License Manager is enabled in: app/etc/modules/Wyomind_Licensemanager.xml
    The HTML output for Wyomind_Licensemanager and/or Adminhtml_Notification are not disabled in your system under: system   configuration  advanced advanced

  2. Copy your activation key.

    You can find your activation key in 2 different places:
    - In the confirmation email that you received after purchasing Dynamic Category
    - In your Wyomind account:MY ACcount My downloads, select Dynamic Category and click on  . A new page opens where you'll find your activation key (see below).
  3. In your Magento admin go to:
    SysteMConfigurationWyomindYour extension

    Paste the activation key in the Activation Key field and choose between the automatic (yes) or the manual (no) activation method:
    - By choosing Yes, the connection to Wyomind license server will be automatic. 
    - By choosing No, you will have to log on to Wyomind license server yourself.

  4. Save the configuration.
  5. Clear your caches. 
  6. A message appears at the top of your admin panel: Activate it now!  Click on that link.

  7. Copy and paste the license code in the License code field from your admin or simply click on Activate now! 
  8. Finally, refresh your cache, log out and log back in straight after, to complete the installation.

To activate the license of an extension that includes other modules, you’ll have to repeat the steps described above for each extension, using the corresponding activation keys (each module has its own activation key).


If you're getting a white page using the extension, you should enable the error reporting in order to display the error. You can do that from index.php.

Most of the time log-out/log-in may solve this issue.
Magento 1 / Openmage Compatibility

Magento 1 / Openmage®

  • 1.1.3
  • 1.1.4
  • 1.1.5
  • 1.1.6
  • 1.1.7
  • 1.1.8
  • 1.2.0
  • 1.2.1
  • 1.3.0
  • 1.3.1
  • 1.3.2
  • 1.3.3
  • 1.4.0
  • 1.4.1
  • 1.4.2
  • 1.5.0
  • 1.5.1
  • 1.6.0
  • 1.6.1
  • 1.6.2
  • 1.7.0
  • 1.8.0
  • 1.8.1
  • 1.9.0
  • 1.9.1
  • 1.9.2
  • 1.9.3
  • 1.9.4
  • 1.10.0
  • 1.10.1
  • 1.11.0
  • 1.11.1
  • 1.11.2
  • 1.12.0
  • 1.13.0
  • 1.13.1
  • 1.14.0
  • 1.14.1
  • 1.14.2
  • 1.14.3
  • 1.14.4

Magento 1 / Openmage® Enterprise (deprecated)

  • 1.1.3
  • 1.1.4
  • 1.1.5
  • 1.1.6
  • 1.1.7
  • 1.1.8
  • 1.2.0
  • 1.2.1
  • 1.3.0
  • 1.3.1
  • 1.3.2
  • 1.3.3
  • 1.4.0
  • 1.4.1
  • 1.4.2
  • 1.5.0
  • 1.5.1
  • 1.6.0
  • 1.6.1
  • 1.6.2
  • 1.7.0
  • 1.8.0
  • 1.8.1
  • 1.9.0
  • 1.9.1
  • 1.9.2
  • 1.9.3
  • 1.9.4
  • 1.10.0
  • 1.10.1
  • 1.11.0
  • 1.11.1
  • 1.11.2
  • 1.12.0
  • 1.13.0
  • 1.13.1
  • 1.14.0
  • 1.14.1
  • 1.14.2
  • 1.14.3
  • 1.14.4
User's reviews
Log into your account to leave your review and get up to 3 months of free Support & Upgrade.

24th April 2023

Dynamic Category Extension Keeps My Store Fresh!

As a Magento 2 user, I love how the Dynamic Category extension keeps my categories up to date automatically based on product attributes. It's been a huge time-saver and has made managing my online store so much easier. Definitely worth trying out!

4th July 2021

Excellent Extension

This extension is very useful. We use it to create auto sale categories and categories for other attributes such as featured, bestselling, etc. A very useful feature is to be able to import the rules that auto select the products from one category to the others. It saves us lots of time. We highly recommend it.

Magento 2 Store - Merchant - User for more than 6 years |Magento 2

1st April 2021

Dynamic Category Works Great!

This dynamic category extension allowed us to create a very detailed backend with products filtered down to very specific attributes. By doing this, we allow products to use both the elastic search to filter products or they can go directly into the folder that already has all the filters applied.

15th March 2021

This is a great extension and essential extension for every Magento store

As Ecommecrce agency we use this extension for most of our projects, Its simplify assigning products dynamically to their categories based on specific attribute values.

16th February 2021

Easy & Most useful - Dynamic Category

It's been one year since I'm using Dynamic Category by Wyomind. Very useful & easy to use plugin.

Mannan Mughal - Merchant - User for more than 5 years |Magento 2

9th December 2020

A godsend for those with grouped products

It works perfectly for grouped products with either visible or hidden simple products. It can properly match on simple product attributes and return the parent product, including for date based attributes like "new to/new from" and sales conditions - better than every other similar "merchandising tool" I had tested before this. Been able to use it for all sorts of scenarios including creating categories that are used solely so other marketing modules like "product labels" or "product highlight" and other "landing pages" that are unable to manage with grouped products. With this module, they can be pointed to "products in xyz category" instead. Anyone who has grouped products will understand the relief of that! There's the odd mystery and early on it was triggering too much cache reset when refreshing a category (with livemage), but considering every other "highlight" "merchanding" or similar tool out there is unable to accommodate grouped products, this is brilliant.

14th October 2020

Worked well out of the box

Easy installation and worked pretty much as intended straight away. Saving us a great deal of time!

14th August 2020

Saves so much time! I highly recommend

I cant count how much time this extension has saved me over the years on magento 1, I highly recommend to anyone. I definitely will be using the magento 2 version on my next magneto project. Thanks Wyomind!

13th August 2020

Doesn't work, no support, no refund

I had the M1 version of this extension and used it without any issues. However, the M2 version has never worked properly. The does not automatically update categories on a schedule. I contacted support and they weren't helpful in resolving the issue. After spending thousands of dollars and 6+ months with our Magento SI trying to get this working, I gave up. I asked for a refund and it was refused.

Shane H - Merchant - User for more than 6 years |Magento 1|Magento 2

24th June 2020

Excellent Extension

I have used the Wyomind dynamic category extension on my M1 store for several years. This extension offers a great deal of advanced capability to add and remove products to categories based on the criteria that I define. This is particularly useful to update sale categories that change as products special price starts and ends. Thanks to this extension, I have been able to set up the criteria and not have to manually update the categories. I particularly like the flexibility in the attributes that I can use to define the categories' critera. I would recommend this extension.

2nd April 2020

Best Auto Category for MAg 2

Ive tried several and even bought and removed two other extensions that under performed and under delivered This is the best auto dynamic category extension i can find after extensive resurch and implimentations A few nigling things were corrected in upgrade and support was great when i needed it

MitchT - Merchant - User for more than 6 years |Magento 2

3rd February 2020

Incredibly powerful and flexible category extension

All of our products come into Magento 2 from our inventory system with one category each. But we also want these products in a sale category, or a category for a specific type of activity, or maybe a time-of-year category This dynamic category extension allows us to populate many different categories with each of these products based on any number of attribute combinations. It's a game-changer, it's simple to use, and works extremely well.

15th January 2020

Powerfull extension

We have been using Dynamic category for over a year now with excellent results. Highly recommended for creating large numbers of specific categories automatically.

Jesse - User for more than 6 years |Magento 2

2nd December 2019

Dynamic category is cool extension

I use Dynamic Category to ease manege what's new category.

OBuchan - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1

23rd July 2019

Lifesaver for huge Magento 2 catalog

We started our migration project 1.5 years ago, when there were just 3 extensions like that on the market and after some tests, Wyomind dynamic category turned out to be most complete and stable. Can't even imagine what we would do without it.

Kevin - IT Executive - User for more than 6 years |Magento 2

2nd August 2018

Saves us massive amounts of time - I cannot fault the product

Ive used the dynamic category extension for a long time now and I would not use anything else - it allows me to automate tens of thousands of products. Thank you!

James - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1

29th June 2018

Very useful extension

This module is very easy to install, no problems at all. Once it is setup, it saves you a lot of time. It is definitely worth the money!

6th January 2018

A extension which saves you hours of work

Very easy to use extension. Just add a filter of attributes to the categories and the extension does the rest! And when something is wrong, just contact the guys at support and they will help you very fast. Response time most times within 15 minutes!

10th November 2017

must have

Makes my life easier. Worth of its money.

15th September 2017

Very good extensions and helpful support.

Very good extensions and helpful support.

20th July 2017

Perfect tool for me, excellent support!

Perfect extension, it helped me so much. Easy to use and the support answers after 5 minutes.

janni - User for more than 7 years |Magento 2

7th January 2017

Greatest magento tool ever!!!

* Really does what it says. Really helped us with time, integrity and correct many mistakes we have made with products on wrong categories when we assigned them manually.
* Easy ang bug-free to install (Magento 1.9.1 version)
* Great support and communication.
* Really and strongly suggest for this affordable extension


15th December 2016

Life saving, Hundreds of Hour Saving

Listen you have to get this module and I will tell you why! First of When you have thousands of product on your site there are going to be Thousands of keywords you're going to rank for and as such you need to have really well designed landing pages for these keywords with the appropriate products listed there! The pros that I have seen with this extension 1. Its better that any splash page/Landing page extension out there. Reason being you have total control of the Meta data that is added to these pages From title to tags and you can beautify the category pages with it. 2. The module not only add the product dynamically to the desired category but it also update the category attribute in the product itself. So if you have an export module you can export the products based on the category this extension dynamically created 3. once the criteria you used to add it to the category changes then the extension updates the category attributes of the affected products. 4. you can use a ton of conditions for almost all of your attributes, is, less than, greater my favorite (contains) and much more. I don't even know what else to say about this extension ( but It is a solid extension, the most though through extension for Magento since Magento itself) Oh Yeah the have a killer Support team. I mean Killer send them an email now go outside come back in and you will see a response from them! Need I say more?

Jerome Ricketts - User for more than 8 years |Magento 1

5th August 2016

Serious Time Saver

This is a revolution! Rules based category population. Want everything over $x, with red in the title, added in the last 90 days? Boom. Much more besides! Makes populating categories so fast.


30th June 2016


If you're unsure whether to purchase this, I'd say go for it!
It's a delight - so glad we found it and this developer.


22nd April 2016


Installation was nothing more that unzipping into the root folder and then flushing the caché.
The product is amazing, we had to create categories that could "search" keywords in the products. setup time was 15 minutes, no errors on magento


7th October 2015

No longer while I waste hours with categorization!

This extension was easy to install for a rookie, and worked right away.
I had a of snag with the settings on a main subcategory, after a quick email with the developer they suggested it was the Anchor tag being turned on which caused it, upon turning it off it worked a treat.
The communication is strong and the extension works a treat.
Maybe even best of all,the developer offers an array handy free extensions as well.
10/10 will likely buy from again.


24th August 2015

Great performance w/ 10k+ products

Works like a charm also with 10k+ products.
In earlier versions this extension only kind of virtually added the products to the categories, breaking compatibility with other extensions which required categories to be assigned to products the Magento native way (e.g. auto-related products based on the same category or multiple breadcrumb paths extension).
But with the v2 release products are really added to the category, making it the perfect extension for categorizing imports from large product feeds.
Thanks to the indexing in the background so far performance isn't an issue.


12th June 2015

Create dynamic categories fast and easy

Great extension to create dynamic categories fast and easy.
Has many basic features and extra advanced filters to suit your needs.
Some advanced filters may be added later. Maybe also with the ability to combine manual added and dynamic products in 1 collection
Great work. And great to work with! Thanks Johan


28th July 2014

essential extension for organising product with many category entries

This extension was the cheapest but most powerful and essential extension we use on our Magento stores. The solution is incredibly simple for assigning products dynamically to their categories based on specific attribute values. Should be a core feature of Magento.


16th May 2014

Does exactly what it needs to

I needed a category on my website to display products within a specific price range, this did exactly that and more, for 29 dollars the time saving is so worth it! also saw a very similar extension at a much higher price that does the same features as this one.


Initial release for the master version

Initial release for the legacy version

  • The website and the default customer group are taken into account in the category's rules


  • New conditions for the attribute set: multi-select and regular expressions

New feature

  • Category indexation via the CLI


  • Better management of parent products
  • Improvement management for products recovery based on the category website


  • New management of licenses
Patch v2.5.0.2

  • Fix on invisible characters

Patch v2.5.0.1

  • Fix for file formatting


  • Conditions according to the selected store view

Bug Fix:

  • Fix on static categories

Bug Fix:

  • Fixed bug undefined method quoteEscape() in Magento v1.7
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